Our local council have just refurbished, upgraded and reinstated some public toilets in the town. They now charge 20p a time to visit (only payable contactless). The point is that there is an Asda supermarket literally only two minutes walk down the road, where you can use their toilets for...
Just a heads-up folks.
The Last of the Summer Wine 50 Years of Laughs documentary will be broadcast in the UK on Channel 5 on Saturday 25th January at 17.00 hours. I imagine it will also be on My5 afterwards.
The 30 Years of Laughs is still available to watch on My5 at...
A new series of the Great British Sewing Bee starts tonight on BBC One at 9.00pm. We watched previous seasons and are very much looking forward to seeing this one. Usually very enjoyable.
Do correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe that sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s a script was written involving Seymour AND Foggy, although it was abandoned as Michael Aldridge died in 1994 before the idea went any further. There have been episodes featuring two of the "third men"...
Just found this I didn't know existed. A beautiful and specially written song in tribute to our wonderful little show.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope...
This may have been asked or answered before, but I was wondering where this lovely Summer Wine picture come from, and who painted the original? It's been floating round online for quite a number of years. Anyone have any info??
I just wondered if anyone has seen anything back to pre-lockdown normal, as restrictions are slowly lifting in the UK. Just the little things, that we would have taken for granted in earlier times.
In our local shopping centre there is a row of seats along one side that have been roped off so...
Am I right in thinking they reused old music towards the end of the series, not long after Ronnie Hazlehurst died in 2007. I recognise some of the music in later episodes from 1990s Foggy episodes. Am I also right in saying that Nigel Hess worked on the music in later episodes too.
On most DVD and VHS copies of series 1, the first three episodes (Short Back and Palais Glide, Inventor of the 40 Foot Ferret, and Pate and Chips) are all joined together and not as originally broadcast. Is there a reason for this at all?
I do have them recorded from the Yesterday channel where...
Dad and I are both under the hospital, me for my cancer treatment and Dad for his cataracts. Of course, since Covid disrupted our lives, our local NHS trust have started doing everything on the internet. Dad recently received a letter asking him to fill out a form online to help confirm he was...
Can anyone help me to identify a TV advert which I think had a shot of Holmfirth in it. I believe it was for either Boots or some sun tan lotion/skin cream/make up and I believe was broadcast in spring or summer 2019. It had several quite quick shots of British towns with one building replaced...
Whilst watching LOTSW, in quite a few episodes, I have noticed things that were well established parts of the series a long time before they were actually in the show, mainly in the background of shots, or if the scene was in the same location. For example, in Wellies to Wet Suit, when Foggy and...
I'm wondering, can anyone name any of the things Auntie Wainwright sold to Clegg that he never wanted? He must have a cellar full by now. What were they and which episode did he buy them in?
Just a thought, but what happened to any of the vehicles used in Summer Wine.
Entwistle's truck
Sid and Ivy's chip van from "Getting Sam Home"
Ludovic's van from "Cheering Up Ludovic"
the van driven by Compo's nephew in "The Great Boarding House Bathroom Caper"
Milburn's car
Howard's bicycle...
Just wondering which episode Compo said he'd been to the cinema and the film had, what he called "sub-tit-les". I want to watch it, but I can't remember which episode it was. I know it was a Blamire one.
Summer Wine has had some great guest stars over the years, whether they were a big part of am episode's plot, or just a tiny bit part. Who is your favourite and why?
For me, it had to be Oswald Green in the Changing Face of Rural Blamire. I forget the actor's name, but the character had great...
I have. In normal circumstances I usually don't have much to do at home, but I've been much busier than normal. I have done many jobs there would be no need for otherwise. I'll make a list. I have:
Used up an afternoon making up an online shopping order. (Which incidentally, can't be delivered...
Have you ever noticed that there are quite a few Summer Wine episodes with bicycles as an important part of the plot, perhaps more than you think. Can anyone name them?
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