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  1. mikey1965uk

    "What makes water wet? I mean, why does it feel different to dry" - Compo.,5753,-1725,00.html#:~:text=Water%20is%20wet%2C%20in%20the,are%20rather%20loosely%20joined%20together.
  2. mikey1965uk


    I guarantee it will bring a tear.
  3. mikey1965uk

    Today I'm Going To, Or I've Listened To...(FILL IN MUSIC TITLE)

    Kind Of Blue - Miles Davis :cool:
  4. mikey1965uk

    Scary childhood memories via the T.V....i'll begin.

    The Clangers. And that Soup Dragon. Aggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh. Absolutely terrified me. I'm 58 now and although they haven't terrified me since my kid days, I still cringe when I see them much to my best friends joy. Ughhhh horrid little things.
  5. mikey1965uk

    Full Steam Ahead
  6. mikey1965uk

    Carry on something and summat!!!

    :36::36:Oooh err Matron:36::36:
  7. mikey1965uk

    Stuff On The Radio.

    I listen to the radio for comedy, drama etc. One of my Faves is Old Harrys Game starring Andy Hamilton as Satan. What do you folks like on the radio if at all? :14::14::14:
  8. mikey1965uk

    Who Are You Similar To In Last Of The Summer Wine?

    I'm an old punk rocker so undoubtedly I have to say Compo.....:21:
  9. mikey1965uk

    Yes, it's a steam train in the USA.

    There's something comforting about steam trains
  10. mikey1965uk

    A New Character

    If you were a new character in LOTSW circa 1970s/1980s what is your name and general character?
  11. mikey1965uk

    Wesley Would Have Loved This

    What does this remind anyone of? :21: :21: :21:
  12. mikey1965uk

    Death of Paul O'Grady aka Lily Savage.

    I have to say I was shocked to learn of his sudden death this morning. My mam and dad loved him and I thought he was funny as .... He seemed a genuine person and got on with everyone apart from morons. Messing with a Birkenhead kid is a bad idea :21: :21...
  13. mikey1965uk

    The Place Of The Kink In Foggys Niblick ; )),Last%20of%20the%20Summer%20Wine.