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  1. Adanor

    Interviews with Summer Wine cast

    Wow!! This is really great!!
  2. Adanor

    Chocolate dreams

    All chocolate!!
  3. Adanor

    Fig Rolls

    Growing up, I had liver and onions once a week, for years. But we didn't know that you're supposed to take the gristle out.
  4. Adanor

    Fig Rolls

    Yep, Fig Newtons are not too bad.
  5. Adanor


    So what happens if someone from across the pond, is in the middle of traveling to the UK and falls ill? Does National Health say "oops, you're out of luck" or is there some way to get treatment at a reasonable cost?
  6. Adanor


    My heart goes out to you. Hopefully the physical therapy works.
  7. Adanor


    Actually, I haven't used cash in quite awhile. The only time I actually see any cash, is in the collection basket in church, every Sunday.
  8. Adanor

    Shops no more....

    Back in the day, you could run with knives. Yes, how are you still alive. Speaking of which, kids these days will never know the joys of walking alone down a sidewalk. So sad.
  9. Adanor

    Downhill Racer

    One time, I happened to be walking on a boardwalk next to the Anacostia River.. The USS Barry was tied up next to this boardwalk with thick ropes. A number of seagulls were having fun. I kid you not. They lined up on one of the ropes and in unison, they would jump off and then get back up and...
  10. Adanor

    Edies Driving.

    Took me awhile to get up the nerve to face driving, more time to get up the nerve to actually learn, more time to get up the nerve to take the test and thanks to a very charitable tester, passed on the first try. This was a number of years ago. Over here across the pond, we have a new wrinkle...
  11. Adanor

    Who on the Forum remembers these

    OK, I give up, what was the parking light for?? Was it required??
  12. Adanor

    Edies Driving.

    Since in real life, she was a non-driver, it was probably rather humorous that she had to spend time "behind the wheel."
  13. Adanor

    Edies Driving.

  14. Adanor

    Edies Driving.

    One item of interest is that when they made westerns, the stagecoach driver actually had to be able to handle the team of horses. It takes a lot of skill to handle four or six horses at one time. Probably they had person riding shotgun not so much to protect the passengers but the treasure chest...
  15. Adanor

    Star Trek - banned by the BBC

    The last time I saw "The Empath," I was in high school, so that's quite awhile, but there are some things about that episode that stood out. Most of that episode involved the Empath, a blue curtain, and how she had empathy. Not too sure where one or more of those four subjects listed above apply.
  16. Adanor

    You can pick only One

    So nobody mentioned Kit Kat, a candy bar invented in Leeds? Oh, for shame.
  17. Adanor

    That's Not Diesel

    Steam is so dramatic, so interesting to watch as those locomotives pass by.
  18. Adanor

    Mulled wine

    Back in medieval times when water was not drinkable, mulled wine was a welcome drink.
  19. Adanor

    Another Year Gone

    In the middle of a rerun of Perry Mason, watched the Ball Drop and listened to Frank sing his homage to New York. Oh that tickles the heart! Then finished watching Perry Mason. Tonight, saw the sun set, the purple clouds were amazing. Happy New Year Everyone!
  20. Adanor

    What are you hoping for

    I celebrated Boxing Day by mailing off a box. Our wonderful mailman advised us that the box did not have a USPS return label (but rather a UPS label), thereby saving us a useless trip to the post office.