A Big Welcome

It just goes to show that this is a really great site and aside from the members credit has to be attributed to the sterling work Pearl, Tony, John and yourself Terry undertake to keep it running, thank you all so much and a sincere hello and welcome to all the new members! :)
Wow we now have 700 members, and I would like to welcome all our new members over the last few weeks, it great to have you part of our community and ever growing pot of barmpots
There is an exception to this Terry. I'm not an ever growing barmpot, I'm a shrinking barmpot. I used to be 6 ft 2 ins. Now I'm only 6 ft 1 inch. However, I am still a barmpot. :12::13:
A great big thank you to all of you who put so much effort into keeping the forum going and making it so interactive. It's one of the few places on the net that I visit most days, and certainly one that has new content or new replies on threads more than most. Keep up the good work.
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A great big thank you to all of you how put so much effort into keeping the forum going and making it so interactive. It's one of the few laces on the net that I visit most days, and certainly one that has new content or new replies on threads more than most. Keep up the good work.
Hello imitation700mb, when I look at that name I always wonder what gender you are. I'm a bloke or I was till I had an accident with a bacon slicer. That was the end of my career as a butcher. Back to your name, do you have anything shorter? Something like Jill or Joe. My fingers are fast becoming wore out and typing is........DAMMIT, another one has just dropped off. Now I can't make rude gestures to the postman when he tries to knock the front door off it's hinges. Why do mailmen have to knock so loud? We paid £40 for a door bell but it very rarely gets any use. I'm going off at a tangent here, back to your name. Many are the times when I have started to send you a post but drifted off to snoozeland before I've finished typing imita zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. .... There, see what I mean? If the postman hadn't called I would not have finished this post. Maybe I am too thick to see the obvious so it will be a big help if you could enlighten me with the choice of your name. Incidentally, My name, Peri, is an abbreviation of peripheral neuropathy, just one of my complaints. I look forward to your response. Bye imita zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:07:
Hello imitation700mb, when I look at that name I always wonder what gender you are. I'm a bloke or I was till I had an accident with a bacon slicer. That was the end of my career as a butcher. Back to your name, do you have anything shorter? Something like Jill or Joe. My fingers are fast becoming wore out and typing is........DAMMIT, another one has just dropped off. Now I can't make rude gestures to the postman when he tries to knock the front door off it's hinges. Why do mailmen have to knock so loud? We paid £40 for a door bell but it very rarely gets any use. I'm going off at a tangent here, back to your name. Many are the times when I have started to send you a post but drifted off to snoozeland before I've finished typing imita zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. .... There, see what I mean? If the postman hadn't called I would not have finished this post. Maybe I am too thick to see the obvious so it will be a big help if you could enlighten me with the choice of your name. Incidentally, My name, Peri, is an abbreviation of peripheral neuropathy, just one of my complaints. I look forward to your response. Bye imita zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:07:

Hi Peri,

It is a bit long isn't it, my user name. Why not just call me Imit, or use my real name, John. Imitation700mb came from the time when I first had access to the internet at home and I needed an Email password, which I copied from the nearest thing available. It happened to be a pack of well used floppy disks, so you can imagine how long ago that was! By the way, I'm male and 39 years old.
Hi Peri,

It is a bit long isn't it, my user name. Why not just call me Imit, or use my real name, John. Imitation700mb came from the time when I first had access to the internet at home and I needed an Email password, which I copied from the nearest thing available. It happened to be a pack of well used floppy disks, so you can imagine how long ago that was! By the way, I'm male and 39 years old.
Hi John, good to hear from you. I can't tell you my age because there ain't enough numbers on the keyboard. However, if I was half my age I would still be older than you. Keep posting and join in the fun. :17::p:13::37:
Hi John, good to hear from you. I can't tell you my age because there ain't enough numbers on the keyboard. However, if I was half my age I would still be older than you. Keep posting and join in the fun. :17::p:13::37:

I will Peri. Considering my age, I might be here long after most have gone!
Speaking of age, I can rapidly date myself when I tell people that I can remember watching the Original Star Trek when it originally was on. Well, anyway, a GREAT BIG WELCOME TO ALL THE NEWBIES.
I really think watching episodes is the perfect tonic to all of us suffering the effects of enforced quarantine, watching the silliness and all the beautiful Yorkshire countryside helps to raise the spirits. Doctors should prescribe it on the NHS, along with cycling now too :p
Yes, watching these episodes is therapeutic. So what else can we do? We can, of course, cycle, walk, go to a park, go to the shore; of course being careful to never be in a crowd. We can go shopping as pushing a cart down store aisles automatically maintains social distance. Start a new hobby, bird watching comes to mind as that is a fairly solitary occupation. It is always necessary to feed the soul as much as possible.
Yes, watching these episodes is therapeutic. So what else can we do? We can, of course, cycle, walk, go to a park, go to the shore; of course being careful to never be in a crowd. We can go shopping as pushing a cart down store aisles automatically maintains social distance. Start a new hobby, bird watching comes to mind as that is a fairly solitary occupation. It is always necessary to feed the soul as much as possible.
Well said Adanor. Feeding the birds can be very therra err theera err whatever it was you said. We pay out lots of money to feed the birds and squirrels and have lots of enjoyment watching them. Some of them are quite tame and will sit very close to my wife while she is filling up the bird and squirrel feeders. We have waterfalls front and back and watch them come in for a drink and a bath. I'm housebound and it's either the TV or the birds. The birds win every time.