A Cluttered Life


Dedicated Member
Managed to buy Bill Owens Autobiography "Summer Wine and Vintage Years" A Cluttered Life on e-bay for £9.50 hardback. I cant put it down at the moment a very good book and a bargain. I have been trying to get it for some time at a reasonable price. At last :biggrin::35::35:
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I recently managed to acquire an audio version of "Fading into the limelight" Its great just to sit back and actually listen to Peter reading his book, its almost as if he was in the same room relating his life and experiences, I wonder if there is an audio version of Bill Owen's, it really does enrich the the whole thing.
I agree, a well narrated audiobook can add greatly to the enjoyment of a good book. I revisited To Kill a Mockingbird a few years back as an audio download, the narrators storytelling ability and her southern drawl really added so much to the experience. I had a free download of the first few pages of Peters book and I loved his narration too.
Never read the Sallis book, flicked through it as was disappointed it had little of LOTSW.

However, I didn't know Peter Sallis had recorded an audio version of the book. Wow, that does sound good. He's got an amazing voice, as we all know.
I liked Peters book. It was Intresting to find out about all the other things he has done in his life. Still reading Bills book which I found in a charity shop in Tonbridge for. 1.50. so a bargain.
I found "Fading into the Limelight" really hard going and it took me a long time to finish it unlike Bill Owens. But I might look out for the audio version, sounds good.