A Double (gaff) For Howard


Staff member
I've just watched this episode, in one scene Wesley is working under a silver Talbot Samba, then in the very next scene Barry & Glenda are driving it, then in the immediate next scene Wesley is back under it again. I know this has been referred to in posts before but I didn't recall how blatant an error it was until I watched this episode again. Surely this should have been picked up in the editing, I also don't recall Barry ever driving this car again in any other episodes?

Secondly Jean Alexander isn't included in the opening credits indicating she's not in the episode, which she isn't but then she's listed in the closing credits!

I think the continuity people were on holiday for this one :D
Secondly Jean Alexander isn't included in the opening credits indicating she's not in the episode, which she isn't but then she's listed in the closing credits!

I'm pretty sure she's not in the opening or closing credits. I'll have to check my DVD copy. You're right about the Talbot Samba though.
I have watched a few episodes on my DVD's and have noticed some people are in the credits but were not in the programme. I have even seen Howard being credited twice but I cannot remember the episode.
I'm pretty sure she's not in the opening or closing credits. I'll have to check my DVD copy. You're right about the Talbot Samba though.
You're absolutely right Roger, I've just checked must have imagined her in the end credits! So clearly the arm that pulls Vernie Sedgwick into the shop must have been a stunt double!!!!
I've just watched this episode, in one scene Wesley is working under a silver Talbot Samba, then in the very next scene Barry & Glenda are driving it, then in the immediate next scene Wesley is back under it again. I know this has been referred to in posts before but I didn't recall how blatant an error it was until I watched this episode again. Surely this should have been picked up in the editing, I also don't recall Barry ever driving this car again in any other episodes?
That was the only appearance of Barry's 1986 Talbot Samba. The next few times he had a car it was a grey 1989, Ford Escort.
An ex colleague of mine had a brown Talbot Samba a number of years back, it was an absolute nail!

That said they did make a Lotus Talbot Samba Sunbeam which are in great demand today.
An ex colleague of mine had a brown Talbot Samba a number of years back, it was an absolute nail!

That said they did make a Lotus Talbot Samba Sunbeam which are in great demand today.
A friend of mine had the Lotus version, he took it to Lotus for Brake ,suspension and engine upgrade and the performance with breathtaking, but it drank oil like fuel, Lotus confirmed it was typical of that engine
A friend of mine had the Lotus version, he took it to Lotus for Brake ,suspension and engine upgrade and the performance with breathtaking, but it drank oil like fuel, Lotus confirmed it was typical of that engine
Hopefully he still has it, I saw one in reasonable condition sell for £55,000 not so long back!