A morning in paradise....


Staff member
My turn to visit Holmfirth this weekend and went for breakfast at the cafe at the end of the Co-Op carpark adjacent to the Methodist church. There are lots of volunteers around the town in luminous bibs with Holmepride on the back weeding, picking up litter and generally improving the look of the town. The lady who owns the cafe was rightly offering them free drinks. I thought what a lovely bit of community cohesion that locals are taking time out of their busy lives to benefit others. One of the wonderful things about visiting Holmfirth is the friendly welcoming feeling that few other places give. Also the congregation were passing going into the church all suited and booted and without exception everyone made a point of greeting us :)

Went into the museum and the girl said that it was her mum that was selling it and they've had a few inquiries with a view to buying it as a going concern. Hopefully one of them will materialise.

Have taken my new industrial strengh strimmer to tackle the jungle that has appaered on the land to hopefully put the van on it next weekend. And the only way to finish off the morning was to buy 2 eclairs from the Co-Op which are very possibly from the same bakery they used in the series! What a truly magical place Holmfirth is for those that are able - I'd encourage you to visit....

There was a cake shop in Holmfirth that did the best Vianese Fingers. You know. The biscuits with cream and jam and Chocolate on each end. They were lush but unfortunately I have to pass on those now or have one as a little treat. I don't know what road it was down. Might be the only cake shop there as far as I know. I remember it was pouring hard and it was my birthday. This was about 5 or 6 years ago. I got it just before getting bus to Huddersfield to go back to Leeds . I enjoyed it when I got back to my Leeds hotel with a nice cuppa.
Looks like you had a nice time Barry, maybe get to see you there in October, I will write you a sick note for work :cool:
I'm there next weekend for a night also now I've managed to clear the land a bit. I found 2 heavily corroded exhaust pipes when I was cutting the foliage back, you and Butterclough are top of the suspected culprits list......
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I'm there next weekend for a night also now I've managed to clear the land a bit. I found 2 heavily corroded exhaust pipes when I was cutting the foliage back, you and Butterclough are top of the suspected culprits list......
If you go further back beyond the exhausts, you should find a mattress
It would be a great place for some laminated cardboard or treated hardboard [ Definitely need to be waterproof] life size picture replicas of all of the characters who have graced that area . You see these large cardboard cut outs of stars adoring shops and peoples rooms so I'm sure its possible LOTSW fans crowdfunding ???