A Short Tour around Holmfirth With Andrew Bray


Dedicated Member
I don't know how I've missed this for the last six years, but just bumped into it a few minutes ago. I hope it hasn't been posted previously. I stopped in Andrew Bray's shop for a bit of shopping and a chat while strolling down Huddersfield Road on a visit last September. He still enjoys talking about the series and about his friendship with Bill Owen.

I just had an idea........ They should arrange to have three lookalikes (dressed as Compo, Clegg and Foggy, but not necessarily all that facially identical), out in the country, leaning on an old farm gate - just as the bus passes. Can you imagine the surprise and pleasure that would give the passengers of the bus...... to see the trio by sheer coincidence ? -
Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, yet again the Gentleman pointed out the obvious sites and there is so much more which , with the help of Pete , I was sending the Holmfirth Tourist Office mails and photographs in a bid to try and get them to include the said photos in their leaflets that they handed to tourists .

When people visited Holmfirth they could see other areas of filming for example Daisy Lane Books, the cricket pitch [Nora and Audrey Craig] , the bridge that looks onto the Sports Ground used in so many shots . I understand that the office may have closed but I am still not giving up and am trying other potential organisations involved in tourism in the area .
@ and7barton
What an awesome idea! I really like the sheer coincidence aspect of it. Have it seem more like some locals going about their daily lives. Instead of a staged event of some look-a-likes type of deal.

It is great you, Pete and others are trying to get the Holmfirth Tourist Office people to realize that their town has so much more to offer visitors than just a few popular film location shots.

I recently picked up a small paperback book titled 'Walks around Holmfirth - Ten Great Walks of Six Miles or Under' by Andrew Gallon. Even though I will not be able to enjoy any of the walks any time soon I ordered it for the descriptions of the area and sites to see. It has easy to follow maps, points of interests, hand drawn style pictures of local birds and fauna. Was hoping for photos but I am fine with it. I got it to learn more of the area, not just the most popular touristy parts.

I recently picked up a small paperback book titled 'Walks around Holmfirth - Ten Great Walks of Six Miles or Under' by Andrew Gallon. Even though I will not be able to enjoy any of the walks any time soon I ordered it for the descriptions of the area and sites to see. It has easy to follow maps, points of interests, hand drawn style pictures of local birds and fauna. Was hoping for photos but I am fine with it. I got it to learn more of the area, not just the most popular touristy parts.

Thanks for the pointer to the book. I've just ordered it and looked through the five pages of the Dalesman Walks Around ... series on Amazon.com. I hope to include a week in Holmfirth in next year's itinerary, and hope to be more fit than when I was there last year so I might attempt one or two of them. I've saved several more of the books in my cart for later, to be purchased as I plan stays in those areas. There are several for places I've been and intend returning to — Hawes, Howgills & Dentdale, Skipton, Grassington, etc. Great find!
Hope you like the book Marianna. As you discovered there are quite a few books in the series. Mine was a good second hand deal I stumbled across through an ebay search. I am new to books like these, please let me know your thoughts on how informative you feel it to be.