Adverts you love to Hate


Staff member
There are many many adverts that just drive me mad,how about the ones you hate, a few of mine would be

1.Go Compare
2.The current walls sausage roll advert with the dog
3.Any sofa advert
4.The Trainline advert
5,.Any car advert as they never tell you anything about the car,take the Nissan Juke,drops from the sky,then under water,try taking yours back after you have done that, for a warranty repair
Yes, any of those Terry. Plusd ANY Insurance advert at all, and the one that makes me want to kick the telly in...Injuries Lawyers 4U or anything with a posh blert in a suit telling you how utterly altruistic they are and want to save you money and recoup your money on your behalf.
Plus anything that is for a Loan of any kind.
I agree with you on Car adverts, Insurance and Loan adverts, but what really gets to me is the toy adverts. Having two young ones, they watch these adverts for Barbie dolls that swim in the see beside beautiful coral reefs or dolphins etc, but don't realise its not the same in our bath!!!!
Most Adverts on TV are annoying in this day and age.

The worst have to be the Go Compare, We Buy Any Car, Insurance and fast food ads
I have an aversion to most advertisements. If anything they put me off buying the product. I am always conscious of how much a commercial has added to the cost. They must be genuinely informative or really witty to effect me.
On a subject dear to my heart, I have heard that a good time to buy a blended Scotch is when it is being seriously pushed. The distillers know they have good blend and are out to capture a bigger market share.
I loath ambulance chasing lawyer commercials and anything else of that ilk. I would love to see any company putting out anything even slightly misleading fined heavily. What currently appalls me is these companies advertising to get your compensation for the mis-selling of PPI. There is a perfectly sound system by which folk can do it themselves. The fact that these companies are allowed to advertise is to me all part of the rotten Rip Off Britain culture.
Basically any advert that has a company behind it who are likely to ring you at home at least 3 times a day, despite you telling them first off that you aren't interested, and then second off tell them if they keep ringing you will find out who and where they are and set fire to their offices with all hands on deck.
So basically any loans, insurance or financial companies.
I don't watch Tv and so don't have to put up with all that. OK...that's not
entirely true. When we go visiting we do have to watch what our hosts are watching but I try to ignore the ads.
Worst go compare... I turn the sound down and leave it down untill the progamme comes back on, my idea behind that is 2 fold 1, I can not hear that horrid man 2, if the other companys find out they will know I can not their advert either and will demaned thet their advert is not next to go compares, if everyone did that they would have to take it off!! Simples. ( I know, never going to happen)
On the other side, I can't stop bobbing up and down to the little orange squeeking blobby thingy. ;D
Have to agree with previous comments about that bloody awful go compare,Meerkats,lawyers,insurance,etc,etc.Occasionally we do see the odd funny one but they are as rare as Hens teeth ;D

I hate those Jean Paul Gaultier perfume ads.
I must admit my all time favourite is the 'You know when you've been Tango'd' orange fella,ad that was banned.
Remember those terribly dubbed Ferero Roche adverts? The Ambassadors party ones? Awful, absolutely awful.
Just returned from Yorks, and watched TV nightly because shows like
LOTSW and Heartbeat and Lovejoy were on ITV3, Dave, and
Yesterdays .. what a treat, except for the commercials.

Saw a bazillion ads for insurance. Interesting though, seems like in
the UK, the landlord takes out insurance to get the tenant a new
place in case of fire or such. In the US it is the tenant that
gets that insurance, or at least it was back in the day when
were were tenants.

My hate list includes The Eurostar ad (where they come on like greek gods in the clouds)and any of the bingo /betfred ads.