Airy arts

In the context of tough female characters in sitcoms you had Yootha Joyce ,Kathy Staff , Juliet Kaplan to an extent , Prunella Scales putting down poor Basil Fawlty at every opportunity but if you put "female battleaxe characters tv sitcom" into Google probably the toughest of all comes up first I give you Peggy Mount the ethereal mistress of her craft.

Thank you for the mention of Peggy Mount. A search for her led me to two shows I would now like to check out. Peggy in You Only Live Twice, which seems similar to Waiting for God. Stephanie Cole plays a good battleaxe / curmudgeon there. The other new to me show that popped up in reference to Peggy was In Loving Memory with Thora Hird.
One of her more famous shows was George and the Dragon which paired her with Sid James , John Le Mesurier and Keith Marsh [ played the Chimney Sweep in LOTSW episode A Clean Sweep] Amazon still have DVD imagine there are episodes on You Tube.