Alan Bells' "From The Directors Chair"


Good Morning all,

Over the weekend, i had the chance to read Alans book from cover to cover. What an entertaining read! (no spoilers here).
Someone had written in their review that "you'll laugh and may shed a tear". I found that statement to be spot on. In many ways it was a rollercoaster ride between these emotions for me, as well as an insight into just how much commitment and dedication was needed by all involved to bring the show to the screen. There were more than a few surprises in there for me that had me saying things like "so thats how that happened" or "my God, i had no idea" - (Gorden Wharmby as an example).
I wanted to post this earlier, but i really needed to take the time to digest all that was in the book. And i'm glad i did, as initially i was feeling very dejected at the politics of it all, but as i was mowing today, i came to the conclusion that Alan Bell thoroughly enjoyed himself and it shows in the production values and the end product.
A wonderful book, about a wonderful show, by a wonderful director/producer.:biggrin: Thank you Alan Bell!