Amazon Kindle Readers Alert

Very interesting thanks for posting Onslow. I bought a few albums from Apple Music a while back and they removed them from the library so despite me paying for them I can listen to them anymore.

I think the message is wherever possible buy a physical book rather than digital.
All this is like a dripping tap, these companies offer you a service, then deplete the service and if you leave them totally, then nothing will work and you have no access to anything you have bought and paid for.

Have you also noticed that every company that offers you any form of service Mobile, Internet etc etc now wants to bump the price up every year and some have started to delete the plans that were much cheaper
I very much prefer ebooks because I can adjust the font for comfortable reading as my vision becomes tired. Most of the ones I read are borrowed from various libraries, but there are a few that I frequently reread, so I "own" those. I'm currently reading on a Fire 7 tablet, but who knows where the technology and I will go next.