Another continuity hiccup??


LOTSW Fanatic
Cleggy has always been portrayed as scared of driving. In THE THING IN WESLEYS SHED ,he drives ELI'S car out of the haystack and he is smiling as he does it. He then drives up to the field where Wesley is and turns into the field very smoothly.:35::wink: He reverts back to type when Wesley is driving them around the field!!
I don't think he was too scared of driving in the early days. Perhaps it was all the scrapes that put him off?
He didn't seem scared to drive in "The New Mobile Trio," but he did admit to not being very good at it. Later he wanted to avoid it. Which I think is ok given that someone as they age might move in that direction, especially if they hadn't driven all that much earlier in their life to begin with.

That said, I do agree that the portrayal of it in "The Thing in Wesley's Shed" is inconsistent with where the character was at by that point in the show's run.