Another oddity


Staff member
Again another line from Ivy who we believe can cook anything, in the episode "Why does Norman Clegg buy ladies elastic stockings" she refers to a Steak and Kidney pudding being cooked in the oven, yet the puddings were always steamed in a pot, maybe not in these days with the puddings pre cooked and just heated up, but back in those days it would not been cooked in an oven
With Suet pastry baking in the oven would parch it , the reheat ones tend to state you cook in the microwave with a little water to keep the pastry soft . In days gone by the pudding would be in a bowl topped with greaseproof tied with string which was often then tied to a large wooden spoon to suspend it in the pan full of water . Whatever the method you can't beat a steak and kidley pud on a cold winter's day.