anyone still watch lotsw episodes on vhs?


Dedicated Member
sometimes when i feel nostalgic i liked to watch lotsw on vhs. anyone else do this from time to time or just me! i also watch Open all hours, early Minder episodes and carry on films this way also! still got about 400 vhs tapes of classic shows left!
ive stil got my vhs tapes but only watch the ones that i recorded off tele that arent yet out on dvd, but im still 1 of the few people that has a working vhs (actually i got 3)
i believe u can only buy them with a dvd player, the ones where u can transfer the info from the vhs to dvd
DVDs are of course excellent. They don't chew up, a series can be bought in it's entirity, special features, and easy to find a particular place.

However, there is something nostalgic about the old pre-recorded vhs. Many had never been released before, and they would often only contain two or three episodes. Many series only got a select handful of their episodes onto video. Because these episodes were so scarce, the videos were invaluable at the time. Nowadays, nearly everything seems to be on dvd.

I still have my videos, and have no plans to get rid of them. There is a certain appeal to them, but if I have it on dvd I will tend to watch that as it is more convenient.

I still have videos I have taped myself from television. The oldest I can find is a tv recording from 1985 of the film Love thy Neighbour. Along with this are old news programmes, a trailer for Coronation Street, adverts and other stuff I can't remember. Probably of interest to someone, I see this kind of thing crops up on YouTube.
I have a boat load of tapes, but I only watch if I am transferring it to DVD at the same time. I have lots of tapes I still want to record onto DVD, but as far as watching a tape and not transferring it at the same time? Never happens. If I'm just watching something, it'll be a DVD. I don't even watch live broadcast TV, everything I watch is on DVD. I have nothing but contempt for what's on TV today. Just awful.
yeah same as don't watch much telly these days mainly old shows on dvd or tape! least i can choose what i want to watch and when and it will be quality! couldn't survive without dvd's!
Not watched the show on Video for some years,you often see the tapes in Charity shops very cheap,I recall seeing one of the film specials maybe Getting Sam Home selling on eBay for £60 a few years back