Aren't councils silly!


Dedicated Member
Our local council have just refurbished, upgraded and reinstated some public toilets in the town. They now charge 20p a time to visit (only payable contactless). The point is that there is an Asda supermarket literally only two minutes walk down the road, where you can use their toilets for free! Did the council never consider that? I bet they'll be first to complain if no one uses their facilities when it's free just down the road.
Funny story, I went on a school trip with 90 5 years olds a couple of years ago and schools get a code to use the toilets for free so we were given the code and the council never change the code so now when we go to seaside I can use the toilets for free :cheek:
This is not in Lincolnshire I hope
Birmingham New St. station (the Black Hole) is free, but originally had turnstiles, so the entrances to most of the loos are large enough park an elephant. I'm tired, I can't think of a better ... thingummy.
I used to use the loos at BNS quite frequently, a pal showed me if you pulled back the turnstiles slightly rather than push them forward you could get in for free! I saved a fortune using that technique over the years ;)