Arkwright v Aunty

Brian Johns

Dedicated Member
I have been thinking (dangerous I know!:-[) Would have loved to see a couple of inter-show cameos. Arkwright walks into Aunty's store..What happens??
Actually the reverse could STILL happen!.. with Still Open All Hours, how about having Aunty go into Granville/Arkwright's??

The financial shenanigans would leave Greece and IMF bowing their heads in awe!!! :37::42:
My money is on Arkwright , Auntie is excellent but he was the master , all from the pen of Roy Clarke wonder who ,if anyone , was the inspiration for the character was Roy Clarke fleeced by someone in a shop and what did he buy that he really did not want.
Agree Captain Arkwright was the master he would have sold Auntie all her stuff before she knew it.
Sorry I have to disagree, I think Auntie would have wiped the floor with him. He had the odd soft moment like looking for something for Graville to take to the hospital with him when he fell down the stairs, ok it was a box of broken biscuits but if it had been Auntie she'd have charged him full price.
Sorry but Aunty did have moments of weakness she bought the vanilla slice for Smiler had that been Arkwright he would have asked Granville if it was nice followed by put your money in the till , there is an episode where the ladies are seeking a cooker , at first she offers hers but then caves into their collective demands , in the episode with Mr Walter Ridley despite trundling the wardrobe out into the country where the pub is she fails to make a sale . I just think Arkwright's ruses are slicker than Auntie no better than Jamaican Ginger cake or marital aids episode with the black lead polish.

In the end it is difficult to separate them but still cannot help wondering where the inspiration came from for both was Roy Clarke fleeced by a shopkeeper or did he perhaps work in a shop where these sort of practices where common place aka Jeremy Lloyd, whose inspiration for Are You Being Served came from working in Simpsons in the Strand.
I feel a lot of members might be voting for Arkwright here because he is the most popular character in this discussion. Correct me where I am wrong but my impression here is people generally like Auntie Wainwright, but absolutely love Arkwright.

Auntie Wainwright was a more exaggerated spin off of Arkwright. Being more extreme, I would have to vote for her.
Although Arkwright was the master, I think Auntie Wainwright may have wiped the floor with him.

That's because in Roy Clarke's comedies these strong Northern women always get the final word.

Arkwright was terrified of the Black Widow.
Sorry but Aunty did have moments of weakness she bought the vanilla slice for Smiler had that been Arkwright he would have asked Granville if it was nice followed by put your money in the till , there is an episode where the ladies are seeking a cooker , at first she offers hers but then caves into their collective demands , in the episode with Mr Walter Ridley despite trundling the wardrobe out into the country where the pub is she fails to make a sale . I just think Arkwright's ruses are slicker than Auntie no better than Jamaican Ginger cake or marital aids episode with the black lead polish.

In the end it is difficult to separate them but still cannot help wondering where the inspiration came from for both was Roy Clarke fleeced by a shopkeeper or did he perhaps work in a shop where these sort of practices where common place aka Jeremy Lloyd, whose inspiration for Are You Being Served came from working in Simpsons in the Strand.

Captain, yes she did buy the vanilla slice she bought it for 75p but charged Smiler a quid :29:
Captain, yes she did buy the vanilla slice she bought it for 75p but charged Smiler a quid :29:

Pearl you're right I'd forgotten that he paid for it . The vanilla slice must be your least favourite cake since you found those crumbs on your screen hubby's dot and dash [moustache] :me:
Arkwright was the master he could sell anything look ay the chap from Luton ,only wanted directions but came it with a rake ,case closed.
Arkwright was the master he could sell anything look ay the chap from Luton ,only wanted directions but came it with a rake ,case closed.

Auntie Wainwright drew in plenty of unexpected customers her self. The gypsy ended up with lawn furniture and when the husband came in firm and upset he ended up leaving with even more lawn furniture. That is just one of many examples :)