Arnold Street

I love the similarities Roy uses in his 3 classic shows. I find them really interesting also like Edie is the prototype for Hyacinth Bucket in a sort of way.
I love the similarities Roy uses in his 3 classic shows. I find them really interesting also like Edie is the prototype for Hyacinth Bucket in a sort of way.
Definitely! I don't know whether you recall but there is an episode where Edie answers the phone and says 'The Pegden residence, the lady of the house speaking' !!!!
Word spread about using Arnold , Graham Linehan and Arthur Matthews used it in a scene in Father Ted when Ted is trying to persuade Jack to give up alcohol for Lent [ sadly no GIFs of that bit but here are the lines]

Mrs Doyle: Who wants their afternoon drink?

Father Jack: Drink?! Oh yes!

Father Ted: No!

Father Jack
: No?

Father Ted: No Father, it's Lent remember, you said you'd give it up for a couple of days.

Father Jack: What?

Father Ted: Do you not remember you said you'd offer it up for Our Lord?

Father Jack: (mishears "Our Lord") Arnold? Who's Arnold?

Father Ted: No, Our Lord. I suppose, I made your vow for you. But I know that deep down inside you'd like to make a little sacrifice.

Father Jack: Sacrifice? A$%e!
Cleggy had a girlfriend with a mucky neck and would walk as far as Arnold street with her