Beans on Toast.

And the UK/US difference: "The US beans have a mushier texture and are darker in color than their UK counterpart. This has resulted in a situation where the product is now imported back to the brand's home country. For several years, the UK Heinz Baked Beans have been available in the US, either in different sized cans from those sold in the UK or in a 385 gram can (the same can as the 415 gram can in the UK) with an "export" label with American English spelling and the word "baked" dropped from the title on the label. These are sold in many US specialty stores, such is the popularity of baked beans and their appeal to expats."

Interesting info, Big Unc. I never imagined having beans for breakfast myself but if you say that British beans are "firmer" I might give it a try.

As for American Baked beans being mushier.... for most the appeal to baked beans isn't the beans themselves, but the flavoring with the sauce, often with honey, brown sugar, maple, or bacon.

As for what to do with American baked beans, I prefer to spread them (with their sauce of course) on hot dogs.
It is amazing what a can of baked beans can do. When I lived in Canada you could even buy baked beans with pieces of pineapple in it. No bad at all.