Best Performance #9


Staff member
It is the turn of Ivy and with over 270 episodes to choose from it will be difficult
For me Mervyn Would Be Proud and for one laugh out loud moment , despite having watched it so many times I always laugh . When the cuckoo clock Tom and Smiler take to the cafe and the cuckoo comes out and pecks Ivy on the backside and up goes the tray and drinks , not only do Smiler and Tom run away but also Truly, Cleggy and Billy .:)
I like her "voice of common sense" moments, such as in "Who Made a Splash in Wales Then" when the men are going round in circles holding the map on their way to Wales (an extremely funny scene) and she drily gives the proper directions, and of course, at the end of "Getting Sam Home".
When she lets the trio know what happened to Sam is up there. I also really like it when she is talking about how calm she is going to be. No more yelling or raising her voice anymore. Then Blamire startles her with his multi-coloured face! :29:
Another one , I cant think of the title but it involves the trio standing in front of Ivy with black teeth from the icecream samples that Smiler gives them. They all give her a grin , she drops the crockery, as they escape she yells "This is going on your bill !":mad:
My favorite Ivy episode is "And a Dewhurst Up a Fir Tree" when Ivy goes to Nora's house to come up with a plan to stop Compo's 'attacks' on them. They return to the cafe all dressed up and lure Compo into the kitchen where they embarrass him by removing his trousers. (Amazingly they managed to do that and leave one of his Wellies on.)
DEWHURSTS OF OGLEBY HALL ………………………..Are you saying I'm not friendly ?Anyone else think I'm not friendly ??:mad::mad: