Beware Of The Hot Dog


Staff member
I know that episodes in each series are often swapped around. However this episode is clearly meant to be the opening episode but it's right in the middle of series 23. The episode opens with Nora getting into a taxi and then Clegg & Truly explaining she's in the sky. Also Tom is reminiscing about his father which to me indicate this would be a new series.

Not sure if others agree but for the first few episodes Nora's absence isn't really dealt with?
Sadly I think we missed a trick no disrespect but Alan Bell is now 85, a good few years ago with our collective ingenuity I wonder if we could have set up " An Evening with Alan J .W Bell " at a location, perhaps in Holmfirth . I am pretty sure we could have covered off his fee etc by the tickets we could have sold and this type of question may have been answered . I have no idea about Mr Bell's health hopefully my implication that his age may detract from his ability to undertake such a talk is total rubbish and insulting for which I profusely apologise . I think Terry contacts him from time to time , if travel was an issue how about a paid for ZOOM session as an alternative. Just a thought.
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Sadly I think we missed a trick no disrespect but Alan Bell is now 85, a good few years with our collective ingenuity I wonder if we could have set up " An Evening with Alan J .W Bell " at a location, perhaps in Holmfirth . I am pretty sure we could have covered off his fee etc by the tickets we could have sold and this type of question may have been answered . I have no idea about Mr Bell's health hopefully my implication that his age may detract from his ability to undertake such a talk is total rubbish and insulting for which I profusely apologise . I think Terry contacts him from time to time , if travel was an issue how about a paid for ZOOM session as an alternative. Just a thought.
Captain this would be a great idea but even with zoom and his health condition, he would not be able to recall many things