Bicycles on the pavement


LOTSW Fanatic
I popped to the shops earlier, while on the way I was almost bowled over by a "lady" on a bike riding on the pavement(sidewalk , for our American chums ) She was wobbling all over the place with shopping bags both sides. To compound the felony she was one handedly holding a handlebar and with the other was on her mobile:39: A shopping bag caught me as she passed but she wobbled off still busily phoning! Not even a backward glance!:confused:
This may be a thorny issue but maybe they should have a bicycle road tax and fined if they ride on the pavement (sidewalk) I have to pay road tax to drive my car on the road!
I popped to the shops earlier, while on the way I was almost bowled over by a "lady" on a bike riding on the pavement(sidewalk , for our American chums ) She was wobbling all over the place with shopping bags both sides. To compound the felony she was one handedly holding a handlebar and with the other was on her mobile:39: A shopping bag caught me as she passed but she wobbled off still busily phoning! Not even a backward glance!:confused:

:46::46::33::33::33:Horrid woman!!!!!
There was a debate about cyclists and drivers on the news and the question of road tax came up, arguments for centred that if cyclists paid a road tax then car and van drivers may pay them some more respect that they do now, but the counter was that it would not have any impact just more money the treasury coffers . I agree that bikes should not be on the path other than perhaps kids because certainly in city areas cycling on the road is totally unsafe from what I have seen in Newcastle and even cycling havens such as York which I witnessed yesterday . Cycle lanes are on the increase but that does not offer a particularly safe zone because of the levels of car and van traffic on the road today and the way some drivers behave . I am not fully defending cyclists because having seen some of the incidents that occur daily particularly in London they are not always innocent , the jumping red lights in particular . Pedestrians are equally in danger from all of these modes of transport but also people on foot who insist on texting/messaging head down while they walk .
My daughter cycles, she rides on the pavement when she's riding with the kids near busy roads but uses cycle paths where there is one but the point is she's taught the kids that pavements are for pedestrians and they always have right of way. If people are riding bikes on the phone they should get the same treatment as if driving a car.
Captain, we're getting new cycle paths weekly but the amount of cyclists riding about with no lights and wearing dark clothing is disgusting, I shout at them. I actually saw a cyclist the other day waiting at lights and was shocked, I'm not sure having them pay tax is the answer but they should follow the same rules as drivers and if they don't then pay fines and they should have to pass tests as should disability scooter drivers, they are two round here bomb about like a couple of Jenson Buttons, the mad idiots.
What with on pavement cycling, mobility scooters and people parking two wheels of their car/van etc on the pavement, life is getting harder for a pedestrian. Add to what Pearl said about dark clothing, any one with poor eyesight is struggling.Also keeping glancing at the floor looking for dog dirt to avoid is another thing to factor in!:12:
All of it boils down to the lack of little law enforcement on our streets, not sure why as the police budget goes up every year,so I am not sure where the money is going to

They tell you it's going up but it isn't. A lot of money is going on nonsense paperwork, it takes 5 minutes to arrest someone and 3 hours to fill all the paperwork out, bureaucracy at it's finest. No copper wants to sit and fill out forms all day they'd rather be out catching bad people and eating donuts ;)
They tell you it's going up but it isn't. A lot of money is going on nonsense paperwork, it takes 5 minutes to arrest someone and 3 hours to fill all the paperwork out, bureaucracy at it's finest. No copper wants to sit and fill out forms all day they'd rather be out catching bad people and eating donuts ;)

That`s why our beloved lotsw policemen never arrest anyone.:29:
I think it should be made law and fined if they don't that cylist's wear Hi Vis clothing at all times. I have seen plenty of cyclist's come in with serious injuries. Also car, van driver's etc should also take alot more responsability when driving not cutting up cyclist's and giving them plenty of room.
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I popped to the shops earlier, while on the way I was almost bowled over by a "lady" on a bike riding on the pavement(sidewalk , for our American chums ) She was wobbling all over the place with shopping bags both sides. To compound the felony she was one handedly holding a handlebar and with the other was on her mobile:39: A shopping bag caught me as she passed but she wobbled off still busily phoning! Not even a backward glance!:confused:
Well, she needs one of those delivery bicycles like Compo was riding when they were selling those sandwiches to the customers at the spa.
As Roger Miller sang
England swings like a pendulum do
Bobbies on Bicycles two by two

Well if those policeman were riding on the path Dick you'd have no chance to get past and every chance of being knocked down.;)
Yes I have noiced this trend: being slightly hard of hearing I can not hear them coming up behind me and they always seem annoyed that I do not know they are there! Problem is that bicycle bells are not very loud.

I can recall being held to account by an officer when I was about 12 for riding on the pavement and given a stern talking to. Lived in fear and terror for the next month in case parents found out!