Blog on the end of Last of the Summer Wine..

I read her 'reply' and it appears that this clown has NO respect whatsoever for the viewers opinions and the only one that counts his hers.

Your comments were straight to the point, and I doubt very much if she will follow up with a reply to that as I don't believe she could give an honest answer.
I Have also added my little dig, I cannot image why we are paying for a Head of Comedy when there is nothing for this person to do,I think the sooner the BBC go commercial the better, then they have to earn a living instead of having an easy ride at the cost of the licence payer, I watch very little BBC these days so a few adverts will not bother me,also it worries me that the current pet BBC shows,Countryfile & Songs of Praise are now prime time viewing on Sunday nights,now I have no objections to either of these shows but prime time viewing,Terry
It may be worth remembering that if it was not through the "noncommercial" vehicle of 'Playhouse' then LOTSW would never has emerged at all. Also, there is no way that LOTSW would have lasted 37 years if left to ITV or SKY. Yes, it's viewing figures are still 3 million (which is not bad for a Sunday afternoon slot, nowadays), but it would not be enough to wow a commercial station ever with competition to hand out contracts. I don't think hammering on at the way the BBC is funded helps the matter at all.

And by the way, I don't work for the BBC - never have done, never will! The above view should be taken regardless of whether you belive LOTSW should be ended or not.
I don't live in the UK, but if I was paying for something and not getting the worth I was paying for it. Yes, I WOULD hammer on. Terry has posted information on the BBC Trust and the guidelines that BBC1 should be following. If you have guidelines, either follow those guidelines or vote on a new set of guidelines and make those public.
It may be worth remembering that if it was not through the "noncommercial" vehicle of 'Playhouse' then LOTSW would never has emerged at all. Also, there is no way that LOTSW would have lasted 37 years if left to ITV or SKY. Yes, it's viewing figures are still 3 million (which is not bad for a Sunday afternoon slot, nowadays), but it would not be enough to wow a commercial station ever with competition to hand out contracts. I don't think hammering on at the way the BBC is funded helps the matter at all.

And by the way, I don't work for the BBC - never have done, never will! The above view should be taken regardless of whether you belive LOTSW should be ended or not.

It's crystal clear you hate the show with a passion and have nothing constructive to add to these dabates other than having a dig when and where you can. You either love the BBC so much that maybe you should get a house nearby or you are one those internet trolls who just goes around different sites upsetting people. THERE I ahve sad MY piece and that is what I think regardless of YOUR views, the site can well do without remarks like yours.
It may be worth remembering that if it was not through the "noncommercial" vehicle of 'Playhouse' then LOTSW would never has emerged at all. Also, there is no way that LOTSW would have lasted 37 years if left to ITV or SKY. Yes, it's viewing figures are still 3 million (which is not bad for a Sunday afternoon slot, nowadays), but it would not be enough to wow a commercial station ever with competition to hand out contracts. I don't think hammering on at the way the BBC is funded helps the matter at all.

And by the way, I don't work for the BBC - never have done, never will! The above view should be taken regardless of whether you belive LOTSW should be ended or not.

It's crystal clear you hate the show with a passion and have nothing constructive to add to these dabates other than having a dig when and where you can. You either love the BBC so much that maybe you should get a house nearby or you are one those internet trolls who just goes around different sites upsetting people. THERE I ahve sad MY piece and that is what I think regardless of YOUR views, the site can well do without remarks like yours.
Crickey, Stewpot. I think you need to calm down a little. How on earth can you claim I hate the show if you read any of my comments? It is true that I do not think the show is funny anymore but, and I repeat, I used to love the show until about 6 years ago. Therefore I am a LOTSW fan. I have even stayed in Nora Batty's cottage.
Why therefore have I upset you? Is it because I have posted a different point of view to you? Perhaps you should learn to be more tolerant of other people’s views instead of attacking me just because I have put across a view of my own. And if you actually read the link to the BBC you will see that I have requested that they have a re-think and try and finish the show in the manner it deserves. My suggestion would be a final hour’s episode that can celebrate itself and finish on a high. It is polite and constructive emails like this which tend to get results, instead of emails of abuse and insult which do nothing instead of perhaps making you feel better for a minute or two.
By the way, I already do live near television centre. I am happy to meet up with you in person and continue this discussion in the same manner you have started? If not, then perhaps you should not attack me for expressing a view which is neither vitriolic nor having a "dig"! It is a sign of weakness when you are unable to respond to my post with an intelligent reply and instead start to attack my integrity.
I agree with stewpot, we can do without this sort of debate on a site which promotes like minded comments for the good of lotsw and possibly as it seems the memory of, and of course friendship. Perhaps nakedlunch would like to set up his own site and send emails to himself.
I agree with stewpot, we can do without this sort of debate on a site which promotes like minded comments for the good of lotsw and possibly as it seems the memory of, and of course friendship. Perhaps nakedlunch would like to set up his own site and send emails to himself.
Happyjack - I'm afraid that you too sound a grumpy old man who is intolerant of other peoples views. This website was set up for fans to express their views. This is what I have done. Just because my views do not necessarily agree with yours does not give you the right to say that I should not have my say. I have never been rude to anyone nor have I purposely set out to offend or ruffle the feathers of anyone. If you read the said BBC blog from LOTSW fans you will see that most people agree with me - that is, that LOTSW has seen better days, perhaps should come to an end, but deserves to go out in style.

I´m not a grumpy old man, maybe a grumpy young woman, but I wonder why you think LOTSW should be cancelled if you have been a fan yourself until a few years ago. Not being a fan anymore (why are you here then?) doesn´t necessarily lead to wanting it to be axed. Maybe YOU don´t find it funny anymore, but there seem to be 3 millions of people in the UK who do. If you don´t like it anymore, why don´t you just watch something else? And why do you bother to join this forum if you are not a fan anymore?

I'm not a grumpy old man, maybe a grumpy young woman, but I wonder why you think LOTSW should be cancelled if you have been a fan yourself until a few years ago. Not being a fan anymore (why are you here then?) doesn´t necessarily lead to wanting it to be axed. Maybe YOU don´t find it funny anymore, but there seem to be 3 millions of people in the UK who do. If you don´t like it anymore, why don´t you just watch something else? And why do you bother to join this forum if you are not a fan anymore?
No, you misunderstand. I still find the LOTSW episodes of 1973 - around 2003 funny. However, since then it has severely gone down in my estimation. You will find that there are plenty of other fans out there with this opinion. I still watch the old reruns on GOLD and will continue to do so - I wish they would release the whole lot on DVD.
I am not a grumpy old man either and I do agree with you about releasing them on dvd, at least at more regular intervals so that we can build them up more quickly
Well my posting in the Blog lasted until this morning when staff came back to work at the BBC after the weekend,seems the BBC do not like basic facts being pointed out to the licence payers, I do not know why as it is not beyond most people to look at the listings and work out that on BBC1 there is an average of

1. 6-8 hours a day of news & current affairs
2. 5-7 hours of repeats
3. A couple of old movies

Which does not leave much out of 24 hours for anything let alone comedy, and all the losw fan base were asking for is a short series which takes up 5-6 hours transmission time a year

It is obvious the BBC want you to pay again for decent comedy,as they own 50% of the UK brand on satellite TV,On The UK brand channels they love losw,so much so it has almost been shown on the complete range of channels and they have screened losw since 1992. They are still pumping out the same episodes from series 1 these days. Can anybody tell me the last time the BBC showed a repeat of losw, they did not even do the decent thing and repeat the one episode from last year where they messed up and started to show the end credits well before the episode ended.

Back in 1996 it looked like the show would end, so as what was supposed at the time to be a fitting end, they made the special "Extra Extra", these days they are happy just to act like one of their reality shows where they point finger and say "Your Fired"