Often heard Americans ask " what is Boxing Day ? "
Well it's the day set aside to rebox stuff that you have no idea how to use, why you want to use, what the hell were they thinking stuff and what in gods name am I going to do with that stuff?
Or even stuff that you think " I know give that to someone else next year " so technically you've started next years xmas shopping.
On an unrelated matter! Anyone know how to use a Tassimo?

Well it's the day set aside to rebox stuff that you have no idea how to use, why you want to use, what the hell were they thinking stuff and what in gods name am I going to do with that stuff?
Or even stuff that you think " I know give that to someone else next year " so technically you've started next years xmas shopping.
On an unrelated matter! Anyone know how to use a Tassimo?