Brain activity


Dedicated Member
Every day I have a session of Free Cell. That doesn't mean that I am trying to break out of prison, it's a solo card game which is a good exercise for the little grey cells. I also play Soduko, or should that be Sudoku? For me, the brain activity in that game is trying to remember how to spell it. Do you indulge in any brain activity? :30:
Surely with Mrs Peri barking orders you have to think so quick on your feet to avoid a tongue lashing that you don't need any brain stimulating games and puzzles. Yes I do have various tablet games that stimulate thought to solve problems . I like Mahjong and Wordsearch games . I used to be an avid Countdown fan until Lord Sugar's mate took over , Nick Hewer, who I find extremely irritating and the worst host they have ever had.
No Captain, Mrs Peri is very good to me. I do need some brain activity though when I try to understand what is happening in Parliament..... OOPS, have I broken a golden rule there? I must sit in a corner and let the grey matter try and sort that one out.:fp:
My brain activity is the crossword puzzle in the daily newspaper. They have it fixed so that it goes from easy on Monday, Tuesday a little harder, and so on and so forth so by the time that Saturday rolls around, it is almost impossible. But you can always access the solution; upon Googling any clue, the entire solution pops up.
Perhaps not familiar to our members US side but my favourite Crossword puzzle ever is the one set by one Albert Steptoe in Steptoe and Son. It is based on his Scrabble game which was basically bordering on the obscene . It results in the Church Parish Magazine, in which it was published , being impounded by the Police .

I love the conclusion of the episode when Harold returns [having had his own article about Totting , which he considers a masterpiece go up in smoke when the magazines were incinerated] and tells Albert "I only have three things to say to you 6 Across , 10 Across and 13 Down " Albert replies saying " Don't you say that to me I'm your Father " to which Harold replies "Not according to 27 down " and so the insults continue with a nod to the Crossword answers . I just think it is brilliant scripting by Galton and Simpson . :)
Perhaps not familiar to our members US side but my favourite Crossword puzzle ever is the one set by one Albert Steptoe in Steptoe and Son. It is based on his Scrabble game which was basically bordering on the obscene . It results in the Church Parish Magazine, in which it was published , being impounded by the Police .

I love the conclusion of the episode when Harold returns [having had his own article about Totting , which he considers a masterpiece go up in smoke when the magazines were incinerated] and tells Albert "I only have three things to say to you 6 Across , 10 Across and 13 Down " Albert replies saying " Don't you say that to me I'm your Father " to which Harold replies "Not according to 27 down " and so the insults continue with a nod to the Crossword answers . I just think it is brilliant scripting by Galton and Simpson . :)
I remember that episode well Captain. As you say, it was very good.:36:
I dont remember it but there again I cant remember anything, but have found it on you tube and will watch it later
Sanford and Son is the US Black version of Steptoe and Son. You would NEVER CATCH Sanford doing anything close to a crossword puzzle.
Not sure if there are any Wordle players on here but there is a new[ish] game on the block which started as a bestselling book called Murdle, which is basically a set of clues to solve a murder. The authors have now set up a daily mini game to solve a different murder each day . I started yesterday and whilst its relatively straightforward I found it enjoyable and it gets the brain working like Wordle does . IF anyone is interested its free to play no sign up hit the site and get started.