Bryant and May -- A LOTSW Vibe!


Dedicated Member
Bryant and May are a semi-secret police detective office in present day London. They are past retirement age, but still working. In Bryant and May, I can see echoes of the Trio. These books, written by Christopher Fowler, are worth a read.
Bryant and May UK style were/are one if not the largest manufacturers of matches they may have well of appeared in LOTSW ,though disguised because of advertising of products not being allowed by the BBC . Were they the matches of choice for Cleggy to try and light the barbecue or Seymour's to ignite his pipe.
The original "Bryant and May" factory used to be in Garston, employed hundreds of local women and men....but people not working on the site the smell of Sulphur was unbearable !!!... but the people who worked there they were so used to the smell they simple could not smell anything !!!.
It had a massive social club in front of the factory were I have spent many a raucous night !!!! even smelt of Sulphur in there !!!!!!.....everyone had to drown themselves with perfume or aftershave !!!!!.
Bryant and May are a semi-secret police detective office in present day London. They are past retirement age, but still working. In Bryant and May, I can see echoes of the Trio. These books, written by Christopher Fowler, are worth a read.
Not only worth a read, but worth re-reading. I read through the entire series for the second time right after reading Christopher Fowler's obituary in the Guardian.