Butter or Margarine

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Someone sent me this before and found it interesting. I got it again today, so have a read...

Pass The Butter .... Please.

This is interesting . ... . scary too!

Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it
killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the
research wanted a payback so they put their heads together to figure
out what to do with this product to get their money back.
It was a white substance with no food appeal so they added the yellow
colouring and sold it to people to use in place of butter. How do you
like it? They have come out with some clever new flavourings....

DO YOU KNOW.. The difference between margarine and butter?
Read on to the end...gets very interesting!

Both have the same amount of calories.
Butter is slightly higher in saturated fats at 8 grams; compared to 5
grams for margarine.
Eating margarine can increase heart disease in women by 53% over
eating the same amount of butter, according to a recent Harvard
Medical Study.

Eating butter increases the absorption of many other nutrients in other foods.
Butter has many nutritional benefits where margarine has a few and
only because they are added!
Butter tastes much better than margarine and it can enhance the
flavours of other foods.
Butter has been around for centuries where margarine has been around
for less than 100 years.
And now, for Margarine..

Very High in Trans fatty acids.

Increases the risk of cancers up to five times..

Lowers quality of breast milk

Decreases immune response

Decreases insulin response.

And here's the most disturbing fact... HERE IS THE PART THAT IS VERY

Margarine is but ONE MOLECULE away from being PLASTIC... And shares 27
ingredients with PAINT
These facts alone were enough to have me avoiding margarine for life
and anything else that is hydrogenated (this means hydrogen is added,
changing the molecular structure of the substance).
Open a tub of margarine and leave it open in your garage or shaded
area. Within a couple of days you will notice a couple of things:

* no flies, not even those pesky fruit flies will go near it (that
should tell you something)

* it does not rot or smell differently because it has nonutritional
value ; nothing will grow on it. Even those teeny weeny microorganisms
will not a find a home to grow. Why? Because it is nearly plastic .
Would you melt your Tupperware and spread that on your toast?
(Bob & I actually did this experiment by putting it in the garage and
after a week it dried up and felt like plastic)

Share This With Your Friends.....(If you want to butter them up')!

Chinese Proverb:

When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from
it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.

Along with margarine....artificial sweeteners...read the book Sweet Deception
and you'll never ingest these things again!!! We've given sweeteners up
and have never used margarine. Thanks so much for the reminder! :o :)
One use of sweeteners - ugh - the after taste, never again. the problem is many foods contain sweeteners rather than sugars.

I tend to avoid anything but natural fruit juices for sweetness but not easy in prepared foods.

I am well aware of the difference between butter and marg - but when every gram of unsaturated fat is problematical it becomes quite limiting. Only use such stuff on toast r tea cakes when out. Have not used butter or marg on sandwiches for about ten years - just the filling and bread. You get used to it.
Both comments are very interesting. I don't use sweeteners because of the aftertaste. Soft drinks are too gassy in my old age. In summer I might treat myself to an orange squash or ice water with a slice of lemon. If you have fresh mint available try ice water with a couple of mint leaves. Great stuff!!!
Wow, I've just got back from college and I've learned more from ready that than I did all day!!
My Dad worked for B.P. and always said marge is only one compound different from the tub they sell it in. Best place for it is in the bin.
I always prefer the original over the replacement, so I´ve always had butter and sugar.
But the thing about one molecule short of being plastic, that is no real argument. I mean, water is only one atom short of being hydrogen peroxide what they used to bleach your hair with and still we drink it, or ozone has just one more oxygene atom than the oxygene that we breathe. We share 99% of our genes with chimpanzees, especially the brains are similar, and yet it doesn´t make us panic. These sorts of arguments don´t impress me, but I know butter is much more healthy and valuable for our bodies, tastes better and everything.
Thats very scientific first thing in the morning, ****! I'll have to go to work thinking about it!!
I was brought up eating "best" butter all done from a big Lurpak tub by a " butter patter " as explained by Smiler to Barry in one episode. :D ;) That scene always makes me smile. ;D
quote author= **** link=topic=2166.msg25921#msg25921 date=1348012259]
I always prefer the original over the replacement, so I´ve always had butter and sugar.
But the thing about one molecule short of being plastic, that is no real argument. I mean, water is only one atom short of being hydrogen peroxide what they used to bleach your hair with and still we drink it, or ozone has just one more oxygene atom than the oxygene that we breathe. We share 99% of our genes with chimpanzees, especially the brains are similar, and yet it doesn´t make us panic. These sorts of arguments don´t impress me, but I know butter is much more healthy and valuable for our bodies, tastes better and everything.

Absolutely right ****- I used to teach Chemistry and there is often only one atom different between many chemicals which can make the difference between something good or bad ... especially in the organic chemicals.
I was brought up eating "best" butter all done from a big Lurpak tub by a " butter patter " as explained by Smiler to Barry in one episode. :D ;) That scene always makes me smile. ;D

We use Kerry Gold now and found it to be ok.

When I was very young my mother use to buy salted butter by weight. I think it was from New Zealand. That was really good and salty..