Catching up with a couple of episodes.


Dedicated Member
This weekend in between dodging the snow and falling trees I caught up with a couple of episodes I hadn’t watched for ages, CRUMS and Big Day at Dream Acres.
CRUMS was as good as I remembered but I was shocked at how much I enjoyed Dream Acres as i probably haven’t watched it since it was originally aired. Whenever it is mentioned it’s usually as someone’s least favourite episode and I think that over the years all the negative remarks about it must have rubbed off on me.
Anyway I’m glad I gave it another watch, I thought there was some great one liners and some funny interaction between Eddie and Wesley.
I also like non laughter track episodes.
This weekend in between dodging the snow and falling trees I caught up with a couple of episodes I hadn’t watched for ages, CRUMS and Big Day at Dream Acres.
CRUMS was as good as I remembered but I was shocked at how much I enjoyed Dream Acres as i probably haven’t watched it since it was originally aired. Whenever it is mentioned it’s usually as someone’s least favourite episode and I think that over the years all the negative remarks about it must have rubbed off on me.
Anyway I’m glad I gave it another watch, I thought there was some great one liners and some funny interaction between Eddie and Wesley.
I also like non laughter track episodes.

I don"t think this episode is as bad as some people make out, either, ferret. Although, I will say, I'm still unsure as to my opinion on the musical arrangement of the theme tune on this one.