characters and their costumes

amos hames

Dedicated Member
Over the entire run of the show most of the Characters wore different costumes for the situation they were in such as Howard and Marina in Scuba Diving gear or Eli dressed up like Dracula. How many other costumes can you remember.
Not sure whether Smiler can beat out Howard and Marina for wearing the most costumes but Smiler's costumes were more elaborate and more pertinent to the script. Then Compo also wore some interesting costumes; the suits of armor were especially interesting.
Nora and Alvin dressed up in Vintage costumes for the parade in The General's Greatest Battle.

And I love "A Short Blast of Fred Astaire" where they dance on the curb in costume. There was Nelson Eddy (Howard) and Jeanette MacDonald (Pearl), 2 Fred Astaires (Smiler and Tom), Robin Hood (Billy), Romeo (Truly), a knight (Clegg), a one man band (Alvin).
Nora and Alvin dressed up in Vintage costumes for the parade in The General's Greatest Battle.

And I love "A Short Blast of Fred Astaire" where they dance on the curb in costume. There was Nelson Eddy (Howard) and Jeanette MacDonald (Pearl), 2 Fred Astaires (Smiler and Tom), Robin Hood (Billy), Romeo (Truly), a knight (Clegg), a one man band (Alvin).

Don't forget Lionel Blair as himself !