Claye's Drawings

In this day and age, you can self-publish your book by going to Staples or any good office supply store that has a computer/copy center and crank away. If that's not an option, you can use an outfit that assists with self-publishing.
Reading the posts here. I'm glad everyone likes the little book feature here of the comics I've done. Right now, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that an illustration I did for a Doctor Who Illustration contest was selected among other "fan art" drawings/illustrations and will be featured in an actual published book in November called Doctor Who Illustrated Adventures (by Penguin Books)... and seeing the suggestions that these comics should be published just blows my mind. I don't know how far I could go with these comics being published. One reason is because it's copyrighted material. I wouldn't want to anger Roy Clarke or Alan J W Bell... or the BBC... on second though, who cares what BBC thinks! lol Thanks for the positivity throughout the years of drawing these!