Colgate toothpaste


Dedicated Member
Went in Sainsbury's yesterday for a tube of Colgate toothpaste.

18, that's EIGHTEEN different varieties of Colgate toothpaste they had.

Why is there so many?

They are supposed to do different things.

Why can't one type do everything you want?

Needless to say, I bought the most basic one I could find.
I've wondered why they could not consolidate the many different ones together into a few as well. Seems it would save them money in packaging and formula as well. Bought me a tube of the stuff yesterday. Nice to see I am not the only one to wonder why the powers at be do what they do. :wink:

Not toothpaste but , the companies that make pain relief try to persuade you that their brand is best. ANADIN were in trouble pre Christmas by virtue of the "targeted"" pain relief they were marketing ,(headache ,muscle and backache etc.) A different one for each pain. Turned out when tested to be all the same.???
Many of the different types of toothpaste are marketed specifically to whiten your teeth. They, have over the past 30 years, have worked really hard to push the general public to want and need to whiten their teeth. And it working with all types of products and treatments that will give you whiter teeth. They have also pushed the concept of the Smile. Have you noticed they way they use that word? So they have toothpaste that whitens your teeth and gives you a nice smile. This teeth whitening campaign probably accounts for half of the different kinds of Colgate. Also they are marketing toothpaste specifically for children with a cartoon character link or kid-friendly flavor, etc.

And Colgate and all of the other toothpaste companies have really large research and development divisions that constantly look for ways to sell more toothpaste and if they can get everyone in each family to prefer a certain type of toothpaste then they have sold not one tube of toothpaste but 4 or 5 tubes per family.

Now there is one health note. If someone in the family has come down with a cold, the flu, or some other illness, then it makes sense to buy an extra tube of toothpaste just for that person because germs can be passed from one person to another through the use of the family toothpaste tube.
Not toothpaste but , the companies that make pain relief try to persuade you that their brand is best. ANADIN were in trouble pre Christmas by virtue of the "targeted"" pain relief they were marketing ,(headache ,muscle and backache etc.) A different one for each pain. Turned out when tested to be all the same.???

Didn't the same happen to Nurofen?
Many of the different types of toothpaste are marketed specifically to whiten your teeth. They, have over the past 30 years, have worked really hard to push the general public to want and need to whiten their teeth. And it working with all types of products and treatments that will give you whiter teeth. They have also pushed the concept of the Smile. Have you noticed they way they use that word? So they have toothpaste that whitens your teeth and gives you a nice smile. This teeth whitening campaign probably accounts for half of the different kinds of Colgate. Also they are marketing toothpaste specifically for children with a cartoon character link or kid-friendly flavor, etc.

And Colgate and all of the other toothpaste companies have really large research and development divisions that constantly look for ways to sell more toothpaste and if they can get everyone in each family to prefer a certain type of toothpaste then they have sold not one tube of toothpaste but 4 or 5 tubes per family.

Now there is one health note. If someone in the family has come down with a cold, the flu, or some other illness, then it makes sense to buy an extra tube of toothpaste just for that person because germs can be passed from one person to another through the use of the family toothpaste tube.

Makes sense, if you have a wider choice,you may buy more
How times have changed all these varieties may have caused a marriage break up and put a dent in Max Bygraves lyrics from his pink toothbrush song:

You're a pink toothbrush, I'm a blue toothbrush
Won't you marry me in haste?
I'll be true toothbrush, just to you toothbrush
When we both use the same toothpaste.

Well the writing was on the wall the pink brush continued to use their normal brand but the blue brush started using Colgate Extra Extra Extra white , pink found out accused him of being unfaithful and they ended up separating. :'(:'(
I stumped them reently.

Wrote and asked for toothpaste without sweetener in - sodium saccharine - they do not do it. Happen to intensely dislike the taste of sweeteener so most toothpaste is for me awful. Incidentally why I dislike low calorie or reduced sugar drinks - I do not like sweetener taste!

However Colgate never answered after their intital acknowledgement! All those varieties and they all have much the same ingredient list - I have checekd!
Makes sense, if you have a wider choice,you may buy more

But over a year's time, the household as a whole won't have bought any more toothpaste, as each tube in the house will get used up at a slower rate with only one person using it. The outcome is that the manufacturer's income remains the same even though they've spent more to create and produce all the different features, flavors and packaging. At best they're breaking even, at worst their net income is lower.

BTW, it takes a of hunting to find non-whitening toothpaste. I want it because if it the whitening variety gets splattered on dark-colored fabric, it leaves bleached spots, and I nearly always wear very deep colors.
But over a year's time, the household as a whole won't have bought any more toothpaste, as each tube in the house will get used up at a slower rate with only one person using it. The outcome is that the manufacturer's income remains the same even though they've spent more to create and produce all the different features, flavors and packaging. At best they're breaking even, at worst their net income is lower.

BTW, it takes a of hunting to find non-whitening toothpaste. I want it because if it the whitening variety gets splattered on dark-colored fabric, it leaves bleached spots, and I nearly always wear very deep colors.

Could always make your own - all you need is some water, very fine calcium carbonate as an abrasive, mint flavour although not relly needed, sodium lauryl sulphate (foaming agent although could get away without it) and sorbitol or other dehumectant - to stop it drying out. They add sweeteners to "improve" taste, which I do not agree with. Hate the taste of sweeteners! And of course they insist on flouride being added.
Could always make your own - all you need is some water, very fine calcium carbonate as an abrasive, mint flavour although not relly needed, sodium lauryl sulphate (foaming agent although could get away without it) and sorbitol or other dehumectant - to stop it drying out. They add sweeteners to "improve" taste, which I do not agree with. Hate the taste of sweeteners! And of course they insist on flouride being added.

All it really takes is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and enough water to make a thick paste. Store in an air-tight container. Optional ingredients are fine salt and flavored extract of your choice.

I have a slight aversion to the flavor of baking soda, even Arm & Hammer toothpaste, because I associate it with medicine. I use my supermarket's generic non-whitening toothpaste, even though I'm paying a lot more than for the homemade version.
All it really takes is baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and enough water to make a thick paste. Store in an air-tight container. Optional ingredients are fine salt and flavored extract of your choice.

I have a slight aversion to the flavor of baking soda, even Arm & Hammer toothpaste, because I associate it with medicine. I use my supermarket's generic non-whitening toothpaste, even though I'm paying a lot more than for the homemade version.

Much as I would like to attempt this unfortunately my chef skills are limited I managed to burn the water whilst boiling eggs.
When we were kid`s my brother and I used to keep on to my mum to buy Aqua Fresh toothpaste because it had the red blue and white stripe`s, we thought that was cool