Combat Application Tourniquet

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Tourniquets.jpg Did anyone watch Fake Britain today, and seen the item on the CAT Tourniquet. They are used to stop bleeding, I've used them lot's of times and they are such a vital piece of equipment I'm shocked that people will make fake one's and risk people's live's. This is what they look like
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Never knew about these - knew about tourniquets as my father was a first aid person in Civil Defence in the 1950s and drove the ambulance.
Are these the ones that active-duty military personnel carry in their pockets? Always in a pocket on the side of the body away from the vehicle door, because if the vehicle takes a hit, injuries will be on the side toward a door. If the tourniquet were in a pocket on that side, you couldn't get to it to apply it to your injured limb, assuming that you hadn't already lost consciousness, of course.

What kind of scum fakes a lifesaving product?!
Yes Marina that's the ones. I can't believe people could do this on such vital medical equipment
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Some of these fake C A Ts found their way into the Scottish NHS Trust, thankfully they were removed before anybody was affected by them. I still can't believe people would make these fakes to sell and make money
Gill, when I was young and innocent (snort) I used to believe people were basically good. Unfortunately 30 years as a "plod" has converted me to a cynical old man. Basically people are only good if they think they will be caught.
Given an opportunity to benefit themselves, even in small things, I have found most people will lie and cheat and generally act in their own interests to the possible detriment of others IF they think there is a good chance of getting away with it.

Now the faking of such things as vital medical equipment is clearly several levels of nastiness above the norm but frankly it doesn't surprise me in he least. Greed will overcome!

There are exceptions to the rule (such as the totally innocent and generous members of this forum) but experience has taught me they are few and far between. A sad but unfortunately true indictment on society.:02:
Gill, when I was young and innocent (snort) I used to believe people were basically good. Unfortunately 30 years as a "plod" has converted me to a cynical old man. Basically people are only good if they think they will be caught.
Given an opportunity to benefit themselves, even in small things, I have found most people will lie and cheat and generally act in their own interests to the possible detriment of others IF they think there is a good chance of getting away with it.

Now the faking of such things as vital medical equipment is clearly several levels of nastiness above the norm but frankly it doesn't surprise me in he least. Greed will overcome!

There are exceptions to the rule (such as the totally innocent and generous members of this forum) but experience has taught me they are few and far between. A sad but unfortunately true indictment on society.:02:

I am wondering whether this has alway been true - just in the past there was a greater perceived threat of being caught which hada better deterrent effect? It seems that those wanting to make money without working have always been with us. In the comedy world we have CPO Pertwee in the Navy Lark!
Barmpot, I think this has always been true to a greater or lesser extent. I became a "plod" back in the 70's. Back then I carried a small rubber truncheon and a set of handcuffs. I never used the truncheon! While there was always the
core bunch of no-hopers and what we used to call "Crayfish" (Probably an ozzie only type expression, now out of use. It refers to a Australian type Lobster called a Crayfish. The tail of which is a delicacy but the head end of the animal is full of sh*t.
Hench "crayfish = sh*thead) most people, while always trying to lessen any bad effect on themselves ("Have you any reason for speeding sir?" "SPEEDING?? was I speeding? I don't think so, this {insert car type, usually a thumping big V8 sports car} won't go that fast") they basically had a sense of community. Kids didn't play up like they do today because basically ANYONE who saw someone play up would either give them a clip around the ears or tell their parents. If a policeman brought a youngster home, they were REALLY in trouble.

These days if a copper brings a mischievous youngster home, more than likely he will get a mouthful of abuse from the parents and an official complaint about how he dealt with young Johnny.

Over the years the "ME" generations have become prominent. These are the people who believe they are the centre of the universe and everyone else should just accept that. Everyone is taught their "rights" but no-one is taught
their responsibilities. We have a LEGAL system not a Justice system and everyone bends over backward for the bad guy and usually any innocent that gets in the way is cast as the bad guy or WORSE is IGNORED.

{Okay I will step off my hobbyhorse...sorry :oops::sneaky: }

To bring things full circle, when I retired my "accoutrements" worn every day included a Glock 40cal pistol, 2 spare magazines, pepper spray, Taser, ASP expandable baton, radio and the original handcuffs. I was armed for a small war and yet I didn't feel safe on the streets! Such is progress!

I won't start on the money makers.......even my hobby horse runs and hides when I get started on those parasites! :33::08::thumbsup: