Compo Getting Wet


Staff member
There are many episodes when Compo get wet, either just a little or completely soak, what ones can you recall, I will start the ball rolling with when Nora chucks a bucket of water from above in " Howard Throws a Wobbler"
In Ballad For Wind Instruments and Canoe, Clegg and Blamire drop him off a bridge attempting to land him in the canoe, which has gotten loose and is drifting downstream.
Two sailboarding episodes.............
Alladin gets on your Wick ............................ all three are in the water.

Who's that man with Norah Then ................................... He gets dragged under on the sailboard (ironing board) right at the end.
The Heavily Reinforced Bottom Wheelie 's. The Treasure of the Deep The Woollen Mill's of Your Mind
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Stop that Bath............He runs away with the bath and hits the drainpipe at the bottom of the hill:cautious:
Das Welly Boot..............He drops through the bottom when he is wearing Cleggy's suit!:thumbsdown:
That early one with the canoe and Oglethorpe. On camera they remain dry but as soon as the camera went off, the canoe became unbalanced and they all went into the drink.