Compo's Front Door


Staff member
I just noticed that in the episode Whoops in the internal shots Compo's front door has moved, Wally enters the room from the right front corner of the front room, and where the front door is in most scenes it is blocked off, not sure if this is the only episode we see this in
The perils of building new scenery every year, because of expensive storage facilities and maintaining employment for carpenters and set designers.

Nora Batty's lounge and kitchen were reversed and totally changed over the years too.
I seem to remember Compo's front door coming off it's hinges in at least one episode. Not sure if that is the Earnshaw episode, Dick. I don't recall the part in Whoops. I'll have to re-watch them.
The door came off I think, when Howard , having been told to give it a push finds himself flat on the door. The door was flat on the floor. Episode I think was A Double For Howard ?:confused:
Despite, the moving door in the inside shots, the door in the outside shots is constant and the streaming eyes and wrinkled noses of anyone going in or coming out is not acting. As I understand it, the odor emanating from the doorway was enough to knock anyone over.