computer woes


Dedicated Member
My computer has been at the drs and so have missed visiting with everyone.
On another thread George says this forum is his therapy and keeps him
sane....I whoeheartedly agree!!! ;) :D
Well mine has had to go in for a service, new RAM actually, so have not posted for a few days ....
My computer is not very well either every time i press the letter m the n has been coming up with it and when i try to use space bar it clicks on to another page insted of doing what its supposed to do this is a nightmare on amazon or trying to log on to the fourm as i have a two name user i can put in Amos but when i try to put surname it clicks straight to log in and says user name does not exist.At this moment its is ok but when i get home from work it will be all over the place again.....frustrating
I have more trouble with Yahoo. Sometimes I would be typing an email and it goes to cyber space befoe I even finish. Sometimes even emails disappear when i click on them to read..
Today my fridge broke and not 10 minutes later my car as well!!! I´m having an incredible streak of bad luck recently, nothing seems to work :(. Speaking of work, I tried to get a new job and nearly had one, then last week they cancelled the whole job again (and I had been preparing for it since February!). Don´t even mention computer troubles or mine will immediatly give up its ghost along with the rest...
The old dog of a tower system that i have in the living room, i built in 2009 and apart from the odd crash now`n then, it's fairly bullet-proof i suppose.
I do know enough about computers (pc's), to keep her in decent working condition, although the Mac Pro that i bought for the studio 18 months ago.....well, i'm still learning to ride that one but all in all, it's not given me much trouble really but if it ever throws a wobbler, then i'll have to get a mate in to sort it out, i have a few who are Mac nuts but in my own opinion, computers still aren't quite there yet.

EDIT: And just to prove my point, Firefox crashed just after i posted!

G ; )