I have read with great interest the discussions relating to Hobo and Truly and I have to humbly confess that I have never seen any Hobo episodes and only a handful of those with Truly. To be honest I think it is because I have always preferred the early series and asking myself why ? I have come up with the following reasons. I love the longer dialogue of the early days, the banter between them is unforgettable. The physical comedy seemed more evenly shared out, or all three were in it together as it were (this is not in any way a criticism of Compo He is terrific). Clegg is priceless when he collapses under the weight of the flag pole when Compo leaves him to argue with Foggy in "The flag and its snag" and in "Forked Lightning" his eye watering encounters with his bicycle are brilliant. Foggy is wonderful when his scarf gets tangled up in the cart in the "Man from Oswestry" and of course Compo: I love to watch his reaction after the other two have dropped him into the river in "Ballad for wind instruments and canoe" In the early days there was less use made of Doubles and stunt Doubles, what you saw in the main was them and this is what I love. Also I feel that Clegg is better for being less terrified of the Female Species , Foggy has not yet started over doing his war stories and Compos passion for Nora has not yet reached epidemic proportions. Sorry I am burbling on rather and I hope Heroes, Seniors and others will forgive this and my preference for the early days. I do wonder if there is anyone out there who agrees with the above, if not please forgive me ! I promise not to say another word the subject.