
captain clutterbuck

LOTSW Fanatic
Hopefully a nice easy connection question I suspect it's not really much of a challenge . Following the recent passing of Jimmy Perry he received tributes from vast number of people and Roy Clarke continues to collect accolades for his continued work. He and Roy Clarke are responsible for some of the most iconic comedy shows , so what is the link between LOTSW and Jimmy's[and of course David Croft's] Hi De Hi?
Tenuous I know but Maggie Olleranshaw was in the cast of LOTSW and Peggy Olleranshaw was the chalet maid in Hi de Hi .

Jean Challis played in Hi de Hi . She was the former wife of John Challis (Jeremy) from LOTSW
Considering both of these shows were massive hits in the 1980s, they do have very little in common.

I can think of various minor production crew members.

Or is it that both began life as pilot episodes?
Wow what a selection of answers but I'm afraid none were what I was thinking of . I will give you big clue sure someone will spot it. A daredevil fell hook line and sinker for a yellowcoat and now live happily ever after.
Well done that man ! I thought that would have been the first reply to the original post . I spotted on his IMDB page that he made a 3 minute comedy short in August this year called After Hours in which he co starred with his wife Linda .