Continuity Episodes


Staff member
I appreciate that each episode of the series was it's own story in isolation. But I was wondering whether I've missed any threads where a storyline was referenced in a subsequent episode(s). The only two I can think of were the episodes following Compos death and the final series where Howard was kicked out of his house which ran for a while.

Is there any others that I've missed my learned friends?
I suppose they would be running gags, such as what Nellie got up to on a Tuesday and Hobbo saying Nellie was his mother and there a few others. I'm thinking more of a loose story line which concluded itself. KUA was similar I vaguely remember Daisy inheriting a sofa from Hyacinth which ran for a few episodes whice seemed to conclude itself.
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Cleggy's fear and aversion of Aunty Wainwright's continued throughout the series.
Even though he seemed quite happy when he first entered in "Crums"...even staying the night to protect Aunty, things went downhill from there.....I wonder what "BARGAIN" that he bought sent him over the edge ??????
When asked what was his biggest fear he immediately shouted "Aunty Wainwright !!!!"....even Foggy's attempt to turn him into a "MAN OF STEEL" didn't work.
I wouldn't say he was particularly comfortable in Crums when he was in the shop, he seemed very timid of Aunty (BTW wasn't this Aunties first episode?)

Didn't he end up buying a stuffed parrot in this?

Do you think it was also the trio's first time meeting Auntie Wainwright, or had they met her before and it had not been mentioned?
Definately the first meeting in my humble opinion....when Howard [a.k.a. Santa] was in the pub explaining how he manages to stay away from Pearl all day he mentioned his Aunty's shop......our trio did not respond......then when they arrived at Aunty's Compo said he better start locking his door if people buy junk like Aunty had outside her shop on that [and they never went anywhere without each other !!] was his first visit.
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I believe in From Here to Paternity (on or about that episode) that Clegg mentions, to Truly, the visit/surprise at Throstlenest.
I believe in From Here to Paternity (on or about that episode) that Clegg mentions, to Truly, the visit/surprise at Throstlenest.
Yes of course I forgot about, the story that ran briefly and that Compo also used to visit her once a week!
In Beware of the Hot Dog, Clegg remembers the time that Compo tried water skiing with a pair of skis Wally Batty had made, which is a reference to the episode Wellies to Wetsuit from 20 years earlier.
Definately the first meeting in my humble opinion....when Howard [a.k.a. Santa] was in the pub explaining how he manages to stay away from Pearl all day he mentioned his Aunty's shop......our trio did not respond......then when they arrived at Aunty's Compo said he better start locking his door if people buy junk like Aunty had outside her shop on that [and they never went anywhere without each other !!] was his first visit.
While that is true, later episodes seem to contradict the idea. It's not a big town, and Auntie is supposed to have been there her entire life so the idea that they would not have known her is highly unlikely. However, its similar to what happened with Seymour - in "Uncle of the Bride" it doesn't seem like they have any idea who he is but later he is supposed to have gone to school with them and he also appears in "First of the Summer Wine".

To go back to the original question, about a series or two after "Greenfingers," there is a comment where (I think it was) Clegg says "you said that about Bickerdyke's dog!" to something Foggy is talking about. So a clear reference back.
While that is true, later episodes seem to contradict the idea. It's not a big town, and Auntie is supposed to have been there her entire life so the idea that they would not have known her is highly unlikely. However, its similar to what happened with Seymour - in "Uncle of the Bride" it doesn't seem like they have any idea who he is but later he is supposed to have gone to school with them and he also appears in "First of the Summer Wine".

To go back to the original question, about a series or two after "Greenfingers," there is a comment where (I think it was) Clegg says "you said that about Bickerdyke's dog!" to something Foggy is talking about. So a clear reference back.
That does seem unusual, in that the first time we meet Seymour, Compo and Clegg have never met him either, but later they have known him since school. As he was also in FOTSW, it also proves the point.

By they way, I think it was Seranade for Tight Jeans and Metal Detector, where Clegg mentioned Bickerdyke's dog. He had just tried to sell the metal detector to Foggy for 50p.
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I am reading the discussions about continuity and characters like Seymour. Just remember, I doubt Roy Clarke and others figured we would be dissecting the storylines so closely 40 years later. :D

Of course, it is just good discussion.
I've said this before, but Roy Clarke simply wasn't that interested in depth and back story for his characters. I remember an interview with Jo Tewson about KUA and she asked Roy about whether Elizabeth was married and Roy said he hadn't thought about it.....
I am reading the discussions about continuity and characters like Seymour. Just remember, I doubt Roy Clarke and others figured we would be dissecting the storylines so closely 40 years later. :D

Of course, it is just good discussion.

That is true, of course, but some of these continuity errors happened within a few years, or sometimes within the same series! A good example is when Foggy makes his first appearance. In the first episode we are told he is returning to an empty house with no relatives in the area anymore and within a few episodes he references his landlady being out for the day getting her hair done. While I think this is probably because the landlady line was written for Blamire, it does suggest that nobody was paying attention to continuity. To get back to Seymour, he was introduced in 1985 and portrayed as not knowing Compo or Clegg but when Series 9 aired in 1987, there are suddenly references to their shared childhood. First of the Summer Wine aired starting in 1988 with Seymour making regular appearances.
In the earlier episodes I get the impression that if Compo didn't dodge his army call up he certainly would've tried ducking out of as much as he could (as you would expect of his character who shirked his way through life) yet later down the line he was portrayed as more of a war hero.