Coronation Wine


Staff member
I reckon if LOTSW was still around today there would be an episode marking the coronation.

I'm wondering what this may look like, I can imagine Nora & Ivy would have the cafe adorned with bunting and they'd be in their best dresses. Foggy or Blamire would be in their military wear with medals and organising Clegg & Compo around the occasion. Edie would have Wesley banned from the shed today and forced to wear his ill fitting suit. Auntie would have a special 'coronation sale' on......I'm smiling just thinking about the possibilities. :)
I think they would probably make a really cool episode if it was on today! I sure wish I was watching LOTSW right now. My least favorite relatives, Bobby and Mary, are here right now and they gave me a hard time about smoking the minute they walked in and then insulted my tattoos and piercings and hair color (it's currently a dark red). So I made no move to stop my cat from jumping up on Bobby, who is allergic to cats, and biting Mary. I've also been fake coughing for the past hour trying to make them think I'm sick so they'll leave faster. Lol I'm definitely going to need to watch something calming when they get out of here, which I hope will be soon.
Yes, flags and lots of bunting. And a storyline revolving around the trio coming up with a parade that ends with a gold coach pulled by white horses. The trio tries to find the horses and then details Wesley to come up with a coach. Well, the parade happens, and the grand finale is Wesley pulling his prize "Salad Spinner" painted gold with Compo waving.