Crusher in Heartbeat


Dedicated Member
Watching an old Heartbeat tonight and there was Jonathan
Linsley (aka Crusher, aka Milburn). Back before he
lost all that weight!!
Jonathan's appearance in Heartbeat was in 1995. His last appearance in Summer Wine was in December of 1987.
His weight loss did not show up till he was
in First of the Summer Wine as Chunky Livesey,
so he must have gained some back to be
heavier as Billy Black.
I always think it was unfair that Jonathan Linsley had to leave the show. I also think he could have been brought back into the show at virtually any time.

Somehow his character wasn't as annoying as it could have easily been.

He played a good, likeable part.

The interesting thing is his character was never actually written out of the show.

I'm not sure exactly how different he looked immediately after his crash diet, but I reckon there would have been a way round him continuing with the show.

I think some characters were unfairly dropped from the series. Mrs Avery showed some promise too.

Equally, I think some (later) characters should have been dropped from the series, but that's another topic!
I'm not sure exactly how different he looked immediately after his crash diet, but I reckon there would have been a way round him continuing with the show.

This was probably a while after his crash diet, unless his hair was dyed for the Crusher part. Alan Bell said that right after the diet not only was he unrecognizable, but he'd lost so much weight that he looked ill. If his voice hadn't been so distinctive, he probably could have been brought back as a completely different character.
