Data Protection, it is not working


Staff member
To start with we bought a TV a while ago and registered the 3 year warranty with the company, had an email today that came from the Trustpilot server asking for a review on the TV, which mean they gave my email address to Trustpilot.

Similar thing today, new Condenser dryer arrived today, thought we would replacing our aging one while you can still buy them, registered the extended warranty, within 2 hours had a call from Domestic and General, offering extended extended warranty at a cost, so someone gave them my phone number
I hate that! We had windows fitted by Safe Style ( never again) I get a phone call from a different company saying that one of Safe Styles employees had left the company and had taken their mailing list with them so they had my number and did I want more windows. I won't tell you what I said because I'll get banned for bad language!
most times these days you have to 'opt out' not 'opt in' with this rubbish... @#$@#*$& annoying the amount of crap I get these days..

I also dont understand why you buy a TV for example then within weeks they are trying to upsell you a new model.. I know TV's don't last 20 years anymore, but I'm not replacing mine till it rolls over and kicks the bucket.
I'm getting flyers from Auntie Wainwright's about her special offers. Get 2 items for the price of 3.

Funnily enough I have been getting them from Arkwright for years , I say getting them its never the full flyer because Arkwright writes them in his own words and the delivery lad gets fed up of feeding them through the letter box , in exasperation I try to pull the flyer through and it rips in two with the bit outside floating off in the wind.