Dennis Mawn


Dedicated Member
Hoping one of you who've actually been to filming can help me with this.
In watching "Welcome to Earth" I checked IMDb credits for the man in the park, thinking it looked like Dennis Mawn (the man who frequently stood in for Clegg).

It said that was Tony Simon and Dennis Mawn was Mr. Heptinstall at the bookstore. I think they have that turned around, but never having met Dennis Mawn or Tony Simon, I can't be sure. With no YouTube available, I can't check out other episodes that Tony Simon was in.

Can anyone tell me if I'm right or wrong? If I'm not mistaken, Dennis Mawn is also in the bar when Foggy is talking on the telephone.
From memory, Tony Simon was Foggy
Denis Mawn was Clegg
Robin Banks was Compo.

The stuntmen would also be given parts as extras as different, very minor characters.

From memory again, I've seen a picture of Robin Banks as Mr Heptinstall opposite Bill Owen on the set of the Welcome to Earth - the point of the picture was to show the two Compos.

I'm sure someone can confirm this for me.
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Have just succeeded in sneaking DVD into player and interrupted her watching - got away with it as grand Prix not started.

I concur Robin Banks, Compo's stand-in as Mr Hepinstall from the book shop.

No way is the man in the park a Foggy stand-in and concur that is Denis Mawn.

Most Foggy look-alike shows up in pub scene - Tony Simon.

Closing credits do not help. Just lists them (along with John Cleese) as 'Also Appearing' without specifying parts played.
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Thanks for your help. After Pearl reminded me that Tony was Foggy's stand-in, I realized they must have made a 3 way mistake. The names Tony Simon and Robin Banks sounded familiar but I had forgotten the were also stand-ins for the trio. I found a picture of them and agree with what all of you said. Thanks!