
LOTSW Fanatic
Dare I commit heresy on the programme by suggesting a dentist could have worked overtime on the programme among the cast?? The more I watch the episodes the more I notice the state of the stars teeth. Peter Sallis is a prime example , also Brian Murphy. Bill Owens fluctuating tooth line was not all down to the dictates of the part!
If this upsets any one , I apologise but I felt it needed to be said.:22::39::42:
Bill Owens wore dentures, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had successive sets appropriate for the Compo character. Photos of him as himself from that era indicate a set of dentures in good repair. I hadn't noticed anyone else's teeth, except to note that John Comer's looked too good to be true. Now I'll be looking for problems.
As I understand it, the last thing that people who were facing being bombed, general shortages, etc. during WWII was the luxury of going to the dentist. So people of a certain age have that doubtful legacy of having bad teeth. So when we see this evidence of having lived through WWII, we should remember they lived through a really awful time and they survived.
And visits to dentists in the 1950s weRe painful. Many of us still have poor teeth because the treatment was very crude by todays standards.

I rememer in about 1980 I had a dentist who still operated his drill by means of a treadle which meant it was very slow - also his drills wee very blunt. The idea of any painkilling was an anthema to him. He played classical music hrough an antiquated hifi set up to try to take your mind off the pain and also mask the screams!