Did Glenda ever work?

amos hames

Dedicated Member
In the years that Glenda was in the show did she ever mention her job i can only
assume that she was a full time house wife but did she work before she was married.I'm sure in one episode she mentioned someone in her office but i'm not sure about this.
I remember in one episode she mentions that a man in her office likes silver nail polish, Barry said never let me catch you wearing silver nail polish, so I think she did work at some point.
I would say she was not working most of the time as she would telephone and tell Barry to come home (and remove the dinosaur for example) when he was. Quite unusual these days that she was not working when there were no children, but perhaps that was her mother's influence!
I'm thinking that maybe she worked in an office whilst she and Barry were courting, hence her statement about the silver nail polish...maybe?

G ; )