Did LOSW start a Trend


Staff member
I have read many times online how busy Yorkshire is as a location for filming, it has hit the headlines again with the release of the Dad's Army movie, I know there was a film company based in Holmfirth many years ago, but I do wonder how many Directors have seen LOSW and thought Yorkshire would be a great place to film a movie or TV show
If it's not the scenery then it'll definitely be the better quality of tea and buns plus it'll be much cheaper filming there.

Oh and the beers better too. :12:

( Tony, when you're shopping for new smiles we need a hand ringing one like Arkwrights : D )
My local railway line often is used for filming (Keighley and Worth Valley) and a large mill was used last autumn nearby although they keep going up in flames (another went yesterday in Bradford - Drummonds) it is all the lanolin soaked into the floors makes them highly flammable.
I get tired of American movies and sitcoms always taking place in New York or Los Angeles, to the point where I have a special appreciation for shows set elsewhere.

I can say this is similar to viewing of British sitcoms. I don't get tired of seeing London, but I appreciate the rural feel I get from seeing other parts of England, whether it be Summer Wine, Doc Martin, etc. I always enjoy the As Time Goes By episodes in Hampshire, although I assume they are showing a gross exaggeration of the area. The same can be said for Ballykissangel, likely good that it didn't take place in England.

So I doubt I would ever get tired of seeing Yorkshire in newer sitcoms. There is a lot to work with there......all the hills, creeks, small towns, woods, etc.

I posted.....The same can be said for Ballykissangel, likely good that it didn't take place in England.

Obviously I meant to say it is good it didn't take place in DUBLIN.

I posted.....The same can be said for Ballykissangel, likely good that it didn't take place in England.

Obviously I meant to say it is good it didn't take place in DUBLIN.

For a look at the Welsh scenery look out for a show called Stella :)
Went to the village were they filmed Bally k very pleasent but not a lot to see,but Holmfirth and surrounds very good to look at don't think that the area around Stella land is not that brilliant.If you go to Thetford there is a statue of captain Mannering and a museum to look at.
Midsummer Murers has done wonders for the Chilterns although you do tend to look for dead bodies when you go into certain villages,agree about Yorkshire its afantastic place to visit.

If Midsomer were a real county, I'd be surprised if there were anyone left alive in it!
The film company that was based in Holmfirth many years ago got it's start filming anti-drinking silents. How ironic that the TV show that has brought Holmfirth it's fifteen minutes of fame is entitled "Last of the Summer Wine" and many scenes were in and around pubs.