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Dedicated Member
This is the opening of the episode called, 'Serenade for tight jeans and metal detector'.
This is something you may already be aware of. If that is so then please excuse my ramblings.

FOGGY: I understand the Co-op has some big reductions in winceyette pyjamas.
CLEGG: I could do with some big reductions in mine. I think they must've been made for a gorilla. Only a small gorilla.
COMPO: Nigel Hinchliffe's nose 'as turned septic.

Now, did you know that the name Nigel Hinchliffe was not in the script? Nigel Hinchliffe had a shop in Holmfirth that sold cigs,
papers, second hand goods and brica brac. Seems that he and his wife were very friendly with Bill Owen and he stayed with them
when on location there. They used to play tricks on him and one day Bill Owen said that he would get his own back. Nigel was well
endowed as regards hooters. Thus, when Compo said, 'Nigel Hinchliffe's nose 'as turned septic', he was supposed to use another
name. That is how Nigel Hinchliffes nose came to be in Compo's first line of the episode. The fun didn't end there. Nigel's wife had
some cups made with the handle the shape of Nigel's nose and put them on sale in the shop. I bought one of those cups and it is safely tucked away somewhere. I cannot remember where so an intensive search of the household has to be made. The search has not yet revealed the whereabouts of the cup but, something else has turned up, a book. Back later with news of the find.