Don't tell Billy but.........


Dedicated Member
We spent this weekend camping in Hope in the Peak District and came across the grave of one of Billys relatives old pals. Don't tell him they're buried in Derbyshire!

Sorry my bad photos, one plot with one headstone, another direction sign and a stone from the Ancient Order of the Foresters. It's a beautiful graveyard with some very old graves[ the church was built in 1381] in a wonderful location- Hathersage. We visit quite a few times a year but I usually forget my camera.

... when we were there we caught the bus with 20 reprobates who had crossed the boarder from Holmfirth on a walk/pub crawl for a local cancer charity in the Holme Valley- a great set of lads
The number of places that the man in green was supposed to have beenactive in seems to grow year by year,and Billy was probably the northern part of the family and being Yorkshire the elite part. Hathersage is a lovely place used to go up their in the sixties and seventies in the autumn the whole area is worth a visit.