Edie,Seymour & Wesley


Staff member
Once Seymour left the show did Edie every mention him again after the episode "Return of the Warrior", I cannot recall if she ever did,also what was mentioned about her husband after he vanished from the show
Glanda had his pic on her mantle but I don't remember him being mentioned. In the secret birthday of Norman Clegg Edie mentioned Wesley whilst standing in the hallway at the hotel.
Seems those that passed on were rarely mentioned: Seymour never got another mention as far as I recall.
Seems those that passed on were rarely mentioned: Seymour never got another mention as far as I recall.

Actors that died while not members of the cast never got mentioned that I'm aware of. So you never hear anything about Blamire, Foggy, Seymour, or Nora. When the actor died while still a cast member they usually were mentioned eventually - Sid, Wally, and Compo all got mentioned as having passed on. Although I haven't see the episode where we see Edie's picture, my understanding is that Barry says something that makes clear she has passed away. Wesley and Eli, on the other hand, apparently never got mentioned.