Episode Titles


Staff member
In seems in many episodes the title is mentioned at some point during the episode, can you name any where this is not the case
I don't think the whole title is mentioned in "There Are Gypsies at the Bottom of Our Garden," or in "Aladdin Gets on Your Wick."
These are some of the ones I found where I thought that the title of the episode was not mentioned. Quite a few times part of the title is said by one of the cast.

The Changing Face of Rural Blamire
Ballad For Wind Instruments and Canoes
Northern Flying Circus
The Woollenmills of Your Mind
Waggoners Roll
In Which Romance Isn't Dead - Just Incompetent
The Mischievous Tinkle in Howard's Eyes
Who's That Looking Sideways At Nelly?.
In Which Romance Springs A Leak
Not sure if any one uses the word 'funeral' in the pilot which was entitled "Of funerals and Fish", and I think the firsh was referred to asa tiddler!
I would have to re-watch, which is an excellent excuse, but "Full Steam behind" I do not recall being used as a phrase in the programme of the same name.
I believe there are quite a few episodes that have titles not used by the characters. While Roy Clarke did title many episodes using phrases from the script, there are also many that are simply descriptive. Many of the holiday episodes, for example, have descriptive titles.
I believe there are quite a few episodes that have titles not used by the characters. While Roy Clarke did title many episodes using phrases from the script, there are also many that are simply descriptive. Many of the holiday episodes, for example, have descriptive titles.
Some of these titles invite a question about the episode. "The Suit that Turned Left" is a case in point. You are made to wonder, how can a suit turn left? Finally near the end of the episode, Wesley makes the statement about his suit and why the bus is at the side of the road.