flooding in the midlands?

I was in Gloucester yesterday. Howling gales, but no rain. Here in Neath today not a breeze, no rain, clear blue sky and a proper nip in the air. I'm going to Bristol tomorrow and it looks like armageddon weather again. I'm beginning to think crossing that bridge means bad weather!
I am in Surrey, so we are OK. We have a stream at the bottom of our garden, but even if it flooded it would need to rise seven feet to get to our door. My niece in Exeter is a teacher. She was OK but a lot of her collegues had to go home to man the sandbags, Kerry ended up with a class of 60 plus!!
I'm in the East Midlands, some of the fields are a bit water logged but up to now its not to bad. Its supposed to get very wet this afternoon so fingers crossed.
rain has been solid since about 1pm here in staffordshire and looks set for a good while yet, went for a takeout and lots of surface flooding..
Well it seems I spoke to soon, my grandaughters school is flooded so she's off of a few days. :o
Luckily I live in the peoples republic of West Yorkshire and though it rains all the time here it would seem to be pretty flood proof! Hope you guys affected get sorted out.
Luckily I live in the peoples republic of West Yorkshire and though it rains all the time here it would seem to be pretty flood proof! Hope you guys affected get sorted out.

PRWY That made me laugh.
The kids are delighted one little boy was seen riding up and down on his scooter crying out " The schools flooded the schools flooded"
Had a right miserable day. Floods and puddles everywhere. Got soaked soon after getting off the college bus. Big lorry + puddle = big splash = me drenched.
I just saw the floods on the news here, incredible!! It seems nearly the whole country is flooded :o! I hope everybody is okay, apart from being soaked!
It's still raining here. All the weather forecasts said it would have moved away from our patch by now but it's very wet outside my window as I write this. I had to drive through a flooded road yesterday. Only about a foot deep for 40-50 yards but I kept expecting my car to konk out. Thankfully it didn't. I hope all of you are safe and your houses are not in any danger of flooding.
Its raining here too,luckily I live on a hill so we should be OK, but my grandaughters school is still closed due to it being flooded.
Luckily I live in the peoples republic of West Yorkshire and though it rains all the time here it would seem to be pretty flood proof! Hope you guys affected get sorted out.

Unless you are in parts of the Calder Valley - Todmorden, Hebden Bridge and so on. Aire valley is looking quite waterlogged. Further north it is not looking good.
Luckily I live in the peoples republic of West Yorkshire and though it rains all the time here it would seem to be pretty flood proof! Hope you guys affected get sorted out.

Unless you are in parts of the Calder Valley - Todmorden, Hebden Bridge and so on. Aire valley is looking quite waterlogged. Further north it is not looking good.

I live very near to the places you mentioned but if it floods up where I live it wont matter anyway as the whole country will be gone ;)
I watched a news report on this subject this afternoon and the reporter asked an envermental worker if the statistic's showed an increase in flooding year on year and he replyed that statistics showed that some years it flooded and others it didn't ??? :-\
Not much rain today, but there is a massive puddle near the college that covers grass and leaves. I went puddle hunting and it was great, some really big ones!